Okay fuck the online TES game, I want a new fucking Fallout game before I go apeshit on these fatherfuckers
caleb: lord of destruction made d2 a better game imo, as well as the newer patches
but yeah, i can imagine the nostalgia
i remember my first character in d2 (necromancer) <3 those were the days
How do you guys feel about EA being rated the worst company of 2013 for the second time?
How do you guys feel about EA being rated the worst company of 2013 for the second time?
caleb: lord of destruction made d2 a better game imo, as well as the newer patches
but yeah, i can imagine the nostalgia
i remember my first character in d2 (necromancer) <3 those were the days
I think EA being rated "Worst Company in America" the first time was a crock of shit and gamers should be ashamed to draw attention to EA over the real problems that need to be addressed. That bad press should be going somewhere else. They may have some bad sales methods but I can think of half a dozen companies right off the top of my head that are far worse.
A video game company doesn't intrude and fuck with people's lives. If you don't like how they run their company you can simply not buy anything from them, there problem solved. Bank of America? They destroy people's livelihoods and economy and you can't just choose to not support them to fix the problem. Yet now everyone's attention is on trivial problem because a bunch of whiny raging nerds have to pay $10 to get a shitty DLC they could opt to pirate or ignore entirely until they change their business practices or go under.
As a guy that loves games, EA should not have even cracked the top 10, nor any gaming company. Video games are not real world problems folks... It's not the end of the world if you can't play them, it's an inconvenience at most.
How do you guys feel about EA being rated the worst company of 2013 for the second time?
I think all of the whining as of late is way over the fucking top. WAY over the fucking top.
worst video game company for sure
haha never played. did make the worlds worst necromancer tho
The game patches definitely made it much better. It just plays like an entirely different game and it felt really weird seeing things back to their primitive state.