The Gaming Thread

I really dont see the issue. They released several DLC and I got through the entire game like 4 times without any major glitches or game breakers. Besides that the mod community releases mods that are near DLC quality. I dont understand where you get the idea that Bethesda owes you more content when almost every other game released by any company has less than a quarter the things to do, and virtually no replay value. Skyrim was worth every dollar the day it was released IMO.
I could understand if your faults were purely with the game being unplayable on console, however I know that didn't effect you as you played the game for some time. Concerning the game not getting additional content after the period of (what, a year and a half, two years?) when was the last time a game you purchased one, had as much content as Skyrim in its vanilla format, and two the last time a single player game you played was supported with dlc past two after release?
I am sure you were aware that 85% of the players that played Skyrim had the main quest line beat within a matter of weeks, some in a matter days depending if they used exploits or not. I was not one of them. But later on I did provided that I had to make a new character and do speed runs in intervals. Just so I could hammer out the achievements. I never made it through the game with just one character. The game kept crashing regardless if I had the game installed or not. I had bodies that was not disappearing like they were supposed to causing the console version to freak the hell out. I had no console commands to remove things or place things at me. I couldn't even go into Solstheim without the game freezing up 5 minutes of me being there. Yes I know that there is mods but they are not cannon and do not add to the story.

I will continue on with this in another reply before this goes tl:dr
Well maybe it's just because you played the console version of the game but to my thinking there isn't much more a gamer could ask for in a game. It's certainly not perfect but I feel that Skyrim delivered almost everything I wanted besides the really horrible GUI that was designed like a console menu (and was fixable with a mod within the first week). I definitely had issues with Oblivion's design choices since it came after the masterpiece of PC RPG gaming that was Morrowind, but I felt like Skyrim as a whole made the change in direction more acceptable. Oblivion felt like a dumbing down of a great series, and although Skyrim did not do much to get things back to that style (it's arguably dumber) it did so many things well that it balanced out in the end and I consider it near Morrowind's caliber even if it lacks the technicalities I wanted so bad.

Adam all I can tell you is when you make a good gaming rig you need to give Bethesda the benefit and stick to PC versions of their games. They truly give you more bang for your buck than any other company I can think of, with the possible exception of Rockstar Games. Even in that case, Bethesda completely embraces their fans and community by giving them all the tools they need to improve and do anything they want to their product to a degree that is unprecedented in a studio. It feels like a labour of love to create such a detailed and enormous game that isn't a monthly subscription and on top of that give it unending replay value by letting players make their own creative world for free. I really can't understand anyone saying that Bethesda should not be supported. I would hate to see the day that they turn their backs on fans and treat their games like a product or corporate property, not to be touched without a lawyer.

Seriously man, I know you had a bad experience but Bethesda is one of the very few developers I feel is still in it for the love of games and their fanbase, and the last company I would stop supporting. I wish more studio's would live by their example.
i got to the wizards or whatever at the top of that mountain at level 37 lol. i did quite a lot. thing is i see it as the kind of game for people who really like reading books. like old people for example. theres just a ton to see and do. try new builds or meet new people. i loved how much of those games were optional. i really want to sell my mom on it to be honest. shes never played a game in her life but i feel like she would be the kind of person you would find in the libraries reading the lore books :p.

dunno, perhaps it was like grand theft auto 4. it makes sense for what it is. it wasnt as big as the previous game (oblivion/san andreas), but the tech was seriously beefed up. i remember my jaw dropping at skyrim (which i bought on a whim the day of lol). elder scrolls 6 will probably be massive like morrowind/oblivion, but not look a whole lot better than skyrim. kind of like gta5 haha.

as for tes online, i dont care. i might buy it if i have someone consistant to play it with.

ES does have its bad elements though. i always hated the magic system, didnt feel very powerful compared to my life leeching sword. when i faced alduin, his strongest attack did 20% of my health, which i could heal with one swipe of my sword on him lol.

EDIT: lol console. my friend has this on console, takes him 1min to load when entering a building, takes me a second or two.PC gaming just is better in almost all cases. 3rd person games like darksiders arent as much fun on PC, but first person games on a keyboard + mouse is the most fluid, fun combat ever.
wow my steam ahrd drive is full today. couldnt update a game because i only had 27mb left lol, out of a full terabyte.

i dont get it, i thought after you fill a HD with games you get a life
Do you guys know of a good GPU for my computer that will run off a 250 Watt PSU? I just need some cheap low end card to get me through this on board GPU issue. There seems to be a heat related issue with integrated graphics. Over heats and my display goes blank till I leave a full screen video or trigger my task manager. I just need something cheap till income tax season comes around.