The Gaming Thread

Har Har Har... Don't act like you hated something then bought it. If you are referring to the Xbox One purchase I got it cause I am a Halo fan and didn't know if they were going to release the new Halo game on the 360. Oh and on that game I cannot get past a boss that has eyeballs attacking a plane.
Ya know... Sometimes you have to pull yourself away from a really fucking annoying situation in a game before you break something. I still have not played Dark Souls 2, so I figured that I would go back through Dark Souls 1. It has a reputation for being hard but in all honesty most of Dark Souls is actually pretty simple as long as you take your time and play smart but there is one section of this fucking game that frustrates me to no end.

I absolutely LOATHE the Tomb of the Giants. It's the only part of the entire game that I just cannot get through without yelling at the screen. Those four legged giant skeletons (not the archers or sword skeletons, just the ones on all fours) make me so fucking mad I literally just about broke my controller which is something I have not done since I was like 8, no exaggeration. I never throw a controller. I just smashed it off the ground and almost broke it, thank god for carpeting. So I am taking a 24 hour break to collect myself and approach it with calm precision tomorrow.

The stupid thing is that I know I can beat the area without too much incident but after playing for a few hours you start getting impatient and start losing the strategy you need to complete the game.

I just don't know why I can clear the entire game without much issue but every single time the entire section of Tomb of the Giants frustrates me until I'm rage-quitting. People complain about the Four Kings but I have only ever lost to them one time, and that was my first time seeing them. I think they are one of the easiest bosses in the entire game, I always finish them off within a few minutes. But pit me against two of those giant four legged skeletons and I'll lose like 8 times in a row. I don't get it.


Fuckin Dark souls....

that happened to me....wasnt gonna tell anyone, but that fucking ghost of artorias beat me 25 times in a row at least and then i got him down to a sliver of health and that.mother.fucker.chained.the.shit.outta me

and i got halfway through throwing it and i was like "this isnt going to be me just sliding the controller along the floor like i have in the past" and i fucking smashed it to bits on the concrete floor :p. never felt so small in my life.

touché dark souls, you broke me. you got inside my head and broke me lol.

(and its funny to me because i played cleric with lightning spear/heal, so tomb of the giants was fairly easy....dont get me wrong i died a lot but once i learned to move slow and feel out the enemies with the lamp i could just spear the shit out of them ...and oh yes if i missed or they got me i got obliterated. and its funny, four kings took me one attempt)

anyone know any good co-op games for ps3? ive got borderlands, resident evil, dunno trying to get some new ideas here. played kane and lynch and army of two already haha (but also debating getting them since i only played the first of the latter)
So Dark Souls is now free to all Xbox Live players that are gold members. I am going to play it tonight see how I fair out. Since Bullet Witch isnt going any where I will finish it later once I figure it out. Against my better judgement I am going to hammer out the achievements for Skyrim since I started a new character once again.

that happened to me....wasnt gonna tell anyone, but that fucking ghost of artorias beat me 25 times in a row at least and then i got him down to a sliver of health and that.mother.fucker.chained.the.shit.outta me

and i got halfway through throwing it and i was like "this isnt going to be me just sliding the controller along the floor like i have in the past" and i fucking smashed it to bits on the concrete floor :p. never felt so small in my life.

touché dark souls, you broke me. you got inside my head and broke me lol.


Awwwwwwwhhhhh I love Dark souls. Man, the only time I threw my controller with it though was AFTER beating Artorious for the first time out of sheer happiness.

In regards to the 4 kings, if you are beating them in 3 minutes that explains why you're not having issues with them. They're a DPS race. If you have high damage output they're pretty easy.

Adam, if you play Dark souls pleaseeeee stream on Twitch.