Update on Witcher:
Im pleasantly surprised that decisions I made in some side quests influenced the course of action of ther sidequests and to fulfill one mission perfectly i actually had to closely listen to the dialogues from like 5 hours before. Its good to see that listening actually pays off.
Also, Gwent card game is really cool, of course, it seems a bit unbalanced but I would gladly play it in real life, but i just fucking love card games. Spent a lot of time today just to play them vs AI. From the other hand, it just makes me more mad that its exclussive to Xcrap CE.
And finally, witcher senses are starting to piss me off, it takes too fucking long to actually find something because of the controls and graphics.
But, im willing to rise my final note for now, solid 6,5/10, if side quests and dialogues will keep being really good I will rise the note again. If only the combat didnt suck and the open world was actually open sandbox it would be a fantastic game.
Now someone please mix the skyrim open world (or create something better, because skyrim is far from perfect because of the copypaste everything), Shadow of Mordor combat and storytelling of witcher.
@urgent edit
Lol this is just bullshit. I know that you cant possibly have a face model for every NPC and recycling is needed, but cmon, the same face with different hair colour on 2 female mages, where one of them is main character and for the other one you make several quests is just fucking silly. Laziness kurwa...