The Gaming Thread

I played the first one (enhanced edition) for a few hours and got bored. I played the second one for about 20 hours before I got bored. Both were really repetitive games so I don't plan on spending money on the third. I imagine it'd get me bored just like the other two
I still don't like any Witcher games. I wish a diehard fan would transfer some of that fanboy energy over because I need a new awesome series to enjoy without wanting to rip my own face off.

Just eat the liver of typical polack, most of them are "OMG ITS POLISH GAME BEST GAME OF THE CENTURY 11/10". Maybe, just maybe after that you will enjoy W3
Update on Witcher:

Im pleasantly surprised that decisions I made in some side quests influenced the course of action of ther sidequests and to fulfill one mission perfectly i actually had to closely listen to the dialogues from like 5 hours before. Its good to see that listening actually pays off.
Also, Gwent card game is really cool, of course, it seems a bit unbalanced but I would gladly play it in real life, but i just fucking love card games. Spent a lot of time today just to play them vs AI. From the other hand, it just makes me more mad that its exclussive to Xcrap CE.
And finally, witcher senses are starting to piss me off, it takes too fucking long to actually find something because of the controls and graphics.

But, im willing to rise my final note for now, solid 6,5/10, if side quests and dialogues will keep being really good I will rise the note again. If only the combat didnt suck and the open world was actually open sandbox it would be a fantastic game.
Now someone please mix the skyrim open world (or create something better, because skyrim is far from perfect because of the copypaste everything), Shadow of Mordor combat and storytelling of witcher.

@urgent edit
Lol this is just bullshit. I know that you cant possibly have a face model for every NPC and recycling is needed, but cmon, the same face with different hair colour on 2 female mages, where one of them is main character and for the other one you make several quests is just fucking silly. Laziness kurwa...
^That would be pretty epic. Combat is one of my biggest problems with the Witcher. If the story/quests had moved at a more interesting pace I could have stuck it out, but the pacing along with that god awful combat made it impossible to push on.
I think I play too many open world games now, I can't seem find a way to enjoy games that take place in a series of corridors, unless they are old favourites I already love. Lately it seems like every game I truly enjoy and love is open world in some form, with the occasional exception in the case of really well done or creative games. I love the trend of more games going all out in size and scope, I remember as a kid I used to dream of games becoming so freeing. I blame Morrowind for finally starting to satisfy that wish and slowly turning me into an addict. Now I can't stop playing in sandboxes again :mad:
i had a friend tell me so far its one of the best rpgs hes ever played. (this is a guy i would actually trust quite a bit)

i couldnt get into W1 or W2....i dunno i want to like it haha
I think I play too many open world games now, I can't seem find a way to enjoy games that take place in a series of corridors, unless they are old favourites I already love. Lately it seems like every game I truly enjoy and love is open world in some form, with the occasional exception in the case of really well done or creative games. I love the trend of more games going all out in size and scope, I remember as a kid I used to dream of games becoming so freeing. I blame Morrowind for finally starting to satisfy that wish and slowly turning me into an addict. Now I can't stop playing in sandboxes again :mad:

And I still would rather play a game of corridors but in return ill get an amazing story. Skyrim was open world copypasta game with god awful story. I still didnt find a good open world game, MGS V is going to be open world, but I guess not the kind im looking for but still its the game i am waiting for with huge impatiance.
^I didn't play in the beginning but people say it's very very different now. I agree though, it's not as MMO-ish as it could be - the world does not feel very open. Give it a try again, it's free (and apparently improved since launch) :p
Been playing Witcher 3 about 6 hours now, really loving it. One thing I always had a hard time wrapping my head around in W2 is the same thing here, different factions like Tamriel or Nilfgarrdians. The game never seems to take time to explain all this stuff so I'm left wondering what the fuck is going on half the time when it comes to the politics within the game. I think it's trying to make it so there isn't some good/evil shit but it seems confusing to me. Even though I enjoyed W2 very much and did finish it I was always kinda 'what the fuck is going on' when they go on about the different wars/factions/people within the world. Maybe you have to read the books to fully appreciate it? I dunno.

That being said I'm having a blast with it, already getting hooked into the main story and the sidequests I've done have been great too. I like the fact that they can alter events in the future depending on how you decide to do them. I actually really like the combat, it's fast paced and seems much more fluid than W2. I'm playing it on the second to hardest difficulty and I find trying to keep your health up very hard. There are no healing spells, I can't create any potions for health yet, meditation doesn't raise your health (I swore it did in W2), doesn't raise over time when out of combat, and always have to cross my fingers I find a piece of bread or some shit to raise my vitality a fuckin inch. Maybe I'm missing something there, been awhile since I played W2.
Half of the books were filled with politics, spies, sorcerers (whatever they are called in english). There is also a lot of easter eggs, like for example Zoltan trying to teach Owl how to speak, but I dont remember him losing his lovely parrot that could only say "Kuurrrrrrwaaa mać" and 80 other swear words.

Whoops, I did my research, looks like parrot was eaten by a cat </3. RIP Field Marshall Duda </3
I will kill dudes who said "Batman: Arkham series has amazing story, you must play it!"

Yea, well, fuck you guys. Couldnt be more cliche, typical retarded superhero bullshit, joker makes a mess, batman is a pussy, doesnt kill anybody (and because of that hundreds of innocents die) and finally beats joker.

such story
much plottwist

It just reminds me to stay away from superhero crap
is the homm 3 remaster worth it? i hear it has no expansion packs which could be disappointing.

nononono, just get the complete edition from good old games instead, it's both cheaper and has all the expansions

the only thing the remaster has over the original is that ubisoft has added steam support and that you can play it on pads/phones etc