The Gaming Thread

Still, the graphics are pretty underwhelming.

Thought Nintendo conference is today, damn. Cant wait for them to officially announce new Fire Emblem or maybe Advanced Wars.
Absolutely, I agree completely! Nintendo's standard cartoon fare is definitely better than this rubbish.

Not sure what I was thinking getting excited over that.

Fallout 4 MIGHT be a 4/10 if they can add some Dwarves and animal women to have sex with. Until then, 2/10, would not touch. :)
Animal women? Only if it involves octopuses, goats or ravens. Others are gross. Oh, maybe cats, but no furry shit
But sarcasm wasnt necessary, suprisingly, I enjoyed F3 and New Vegas as a sandbox. If enemies wont be scaled to your current level i will be happy. Still, its 2015 and I can expect something more from graphics. If i wanted to see poor graphics I would play something from Nintendo. Oh, I already do :3
Me after I saw new MGS trailer


More plottwists in 5 minutes than in whole GoT
^Kids these days. Spolied with thousands of games that is all based on the forumla ID created with Doom and Wolfenstein. No appreciation for legacy. And did you just compare it to some third person platformer? If you just tried a little bit harder Im sure you could have found something remotely similar to degrade it with. Smh.
If im not mistaken both HLs revolutionised FPS genre. HL1 first FPS with a plot and HL2 speaks for itself. Amazing physics and pretty good graphics to these days. Nothing wrong with Doom, its just "play and forget" game for me.
If im not mistaken both HLs revolutionised FPS genre. HL1 first FPS with a plot and HL2 speaks for itself. Amazing physics and pretty good graphics to these days. Nothing wrong with Doom, its just "play and forget" game for me.

No matter how you spin it HL is a product spawned on IDs earlier creations, HL1 even uses a modified Quake engine.
^Kids these days. Spolied with thousands of games that is all based on the forumla ID created with Doom and Wolfenstein. No appreciation for legacy. And did you just compare it to some third person platformer? If you just tried a little bit harder Im sure you could have found something remotely similar to degrade it with. Smh.

really? i played doom 1 back in the day as much as anyone, and it's a much better game than doom 3 ever was. i much rather play doom 1 & 2 than doom 3. in fact, i even have them installed on my computer.

oh, and god of war is a good game, so it wasn't trying to compare it with some shit game, just saying the finishing moves aren't all that.

Are you kidding me?! They bring brutality and shock value, something Doom did back in the 90s.

i didn't find anything shocking in those finishing moves. i mean, they were pretty cool and all, but it's definitely nothing new.

i totally agree about doom revolutionizing the genre back then, but the new games are lacking innovation. half life 1, 2 and F.E.A.R already beat ID at that in the 2000's

i'm not totally bagging on the new doom, i'm just saying i found the 8 minute video i saw on youtube pretty lackluster is all.
^What you said. I might have found those moves shocking 10 years ago but now there are so many games that do the same-ish thing - it's old as hell. Sure, it might be cool the first few times you curbstomp the monsters, but after doing it 100 times, the same animations just become annoying. The new Doom looks good, but I don't think I would spend any money on it to be honest. Meh :)

Just like that Square almost stole everyone's thunder. I might buy a Square product for the first time since FF9, their last truly great game.
As for Doom 4, I can admit that the gameplay doesn't make it look stellar or groundbreaking but I completely enjoyed the brutality. It is a pretty big throwback to the Doom/Quake style days which is the formula those games still thrive on. I am hoping that they will still keep a bit of pacing, horror and story from Doom 3 combined with the total mayhem shown here in between.

Also note that they are really pushing multiplayer complete with a map editor, so my guess is that they plan to give the game a long life cycle that way. Maybe take some wind out of the yearly COD bullshit where you get a few maps and then pay for more later.

Maybe Doom will even bring a little Unreal Tournament energy along and get the fast paced shooters back on the map.

So yeah, that is why I like what I see.
really? i played doom 1 back in the day as much as anyone, and it's a much better game than doom 3 ever was. i much rather play doom 1 & 2 than doom 3. in fact, i even have them installed on my computer.

oh, and god of war is a good game, so it wasn't trying to compare it with some shit game, just saying the finishing moves aren't all that.

i didn't find anything shocking in those finishing moves. i mean, they were pretty cool and all, but it's definitely nothing new.

i totally agree about doom revolutionizing the genre back then, but the new games are lacking innovation. half life 1, 2 and F.E.A.R already beat ID at that in the 2000's

i'm not totally bagging on the new doom, i'm just saying i found the 8 minute video i saw on youtube pretty lackluster is all.

^What you said. I might have found those moves shocking 10 years ago but now there are so many games that do the same-ish thing - it's old as hell. Sure, it might be cool the first few times you curbstomp the monsters, but after doing it 100 times, the same animations just become annoying. The new Doom looks good, but I don't think I would spend any money on it to be honest. Meh :)

Try to think outside your own room. Obviously none of us were shocked, but the common person would be and there are allready bloggers complaining about the crowd cheering to the brutality in the doom-demos at E3.
All Im saying is that it brings back brutality that the old games brought to the table. Again not saying there are no other brutal games or that it is groundbreaking (why does everything need to innovative these days?), but this is Doom and Doom needs it. Its a good thing!
And if you are so damned annoyed by the executions then dont do them, you can finish the monsters off with your weapons. I just dont understand people like you who are looking to complain about stuff like this.
Not bloggers, but feminists, Sarkeesian and her white knights. The same chick that turns out owns and claims to enjoy other brutal games. So I wonder whos paying her to be an idiot. I want to be payed too.

Also, FF 7 - Hope they wont screw this up. Wanted to try this new RPG Sony showed to us about some chick hunting mechadinosaurs, but during 5 min gameplay I was already fed up with her constant talking during the fight. Maybe if she didnt have annoying voice that would work.