Big Paws
The chick looks like she;s trying not too laugh. Thats what happens when you are threatened with 5$ katana
People still play UT games as well. Both communities are kicking in their own ways. As for the eating UT dust part, Unreal Tournament franchise buried Quake right out of the gate. There are still people playing sure (both games) but at release time Quake 3 was outmatched and never took the arena shooter throne back even if there is a nostalgic community still setting up servers. Later on both got left behind by bigger things, especially since UT3 was shit. I don't say that with hate towards Quake, I liked both series and Quake 1 was one of my first multiplayer obsessions.
Quake 3 controls are responsive as hell but there is no sense of feedback. You feel like a ghost speeding around and while there is plenty of mayhem to be had I prefer the more grounded style of Unreal games. And I love strafe dodging and double jumps, it adds an extra layer of complexity, unpredictability and how you fight and react during combat rather than just circle strafing.
As was said, it comes down to preference there. These days I just play Doom. The sliding controls work best there.
So I guess that's why we won't agree. Which is fine
Well, replace Quake with Counter Strike and replace UT with Battlefield/CoD.
I was warned to stay clear of it. I have only played one Warhammer game that I thought was decent so I took the advice in that case. Warhammer does have lots of badass potential, but as a guy that doesn't do boardgames the franchise has not grabbed hold of me yet.
Hooooly fucking shit, im so glad I didnt buy Arkham Knight today when i was in store. 1.5 score on metacritic. Gonna pirate it to just see how much they fucked up