The Gaming Thread

That's my biggest problem with Metacritic. The idea of user ratings seems great, but when you actually check the ratings both positive and negative, people give games 10s and 0s when it deserves neither. It completely fucks up the average and defeats the purpose of having regular every day opinions. There are even idiots that will say "the game is okay, it's like the last one but improves nothing. 0/10". That's an abridged version of an actual Arkham Knight review btw. Okay means 0?????

What the fuck? If you think it's okay but adds nothing give it a 5 or 6 for at least reaching a benchmark of some kind. 0 should be reserved for unplayable games that are beyond amateur and can't even be played or beaten.

Too many people get butt-hurt and go off the deep end over stupid shit like a couple of glitches or one design flaw they don't like and too many people are eager to praise a game beyond its worth. I honestly think in the case of Metacritic you are MUCH better off listening to the critic score, because even if some them have a bias, a professional critic can't slant the value to that degree without being able to back it up. It averages out to a more honest number in the end.

I've never played an Arkham game. Anyone here a fan?

yeah, this is exactly what i meant with my post

haven't played the arkham games either
rembember buying Mount&Blade With Fire And Sword and the game was literally crashing after half hour of gameplay. They fixed it 3 weeks after the release. Like, test your fucking game.

M&B Warband is a much better game. In almost every way. Even though Fire and Sword was released later it was developed by a different company and is based on an older engine. Warband is more polished, has more features and there is more to do. Plus a pretty great mod community. If you like Mount and Blade anyway... I have wasted many weekends on that damn game.
M&B Warband is a much better game. In almost every way. Even though Fire and Sword was released later it was developed by a different company and is based on an older engine. Warband is more polished, has more features and there is more to do. Plus a pretty great mod community. If you like Mount and Blade anyway... I have wasted many weekends on that damn game.

Man, I was playing MB during alpha :D Great times, I remember sitting for 9 hours str8 because it was such a new thing, unique in every way. I still think this type of game has a future but nobody seems to release a "sequel" and current community is slowly dying.

And yes, With Fire and Sword was a paid game that was worse than every mode i ever played. But I was hyped :(
Oh then you already know all this :lol:. I have sunk countless hours in that game and I've still never been able to conquer the entire map on single player without faction assistance.

Mount and Blade 2 : Bannerlord in development right now though. It has been for quite a while and it appears to be making great progress. As long as there are no surprise announcements like "oh shit guys we are broke, no more Mount and Blade", like the guys at GSC Gameworld when they were in the middle of STALKER 2...

I will always hate the sad fact I will never get to play a new STALKER game.

Anyway I'm really psyched about Mount and Blade 2, it sounds like they took a shit load of community feedback and really paid attention to what people wanted. Like integrating really popular requests and mod features into the game.
Aaaand now I can't decide whether to play Mount and Blade or Stalker. Stalker nailed the gloomy post apocalyptic atmosphere better than almost any game I can think of. Fallout had nothing on the lonely, hostile and cold world of the Zone. It's much scarier than most survival horror games and it's not even primarily a horror game.

I can't understand why the STALKER series is still ignored by a good percentage of FPS fans, especially the hardcore crowd. It was glitchy at release and it's highly recommended to play it with one of the big and shiny mods, but god damn was it worth it. Dat immersion.

In other news, I didn't really like Dragon Age Inquisition.... Didn't expect that.
Oh fuck you man, now when I know its being developed im hyped beyond believe and already cant wait :( The torture. It looks fucking amazing.
From what I see I will roll back to playing with small battlesize. I started with 60 max, now my computer could handle 250+ and with those new graphics it will be probably 60 again, unless they somehow optimize it.
I enjoyed the first fallout but I dont really remember my feelings when I played the other 2. I guess it didnt hook me up. But the game was really atmospheric and I miss FPSes like that. Last shooter that I enjoyed was Underhell, mod for Hl2 (i probnably recomennded it already but seriously, if you didnt play it, do it now, its free and amazing! And has canadian voice actor who did a great job as an amateur :lol:)
Cant decide on my csgo nickname for today...

Should I play as Rewowler Dogecelot and use Dual Berettas only?

Or maybe I should go back to Solidoge Snake and destroy my enemies with my perfect fullauto from p90?

Or just play seriously as Big Paws?

Or play as Paz Dogetega and afk on respawn because im a Doge of Peace and cant bear arms?

Damn i dunno, help guys :(
i loved

the game itself is amazing. if i didnt have to spend 3 hours modding it just to get it functional, and still deal with hourly freezes and crashes, i would have probably loved it :lol:
its like a super hot cripple. just far too much work than its worth.

mount and blade always looked awesome, but by the time i wanted it i had already bought 100 games ill never play because they too were 5$. glad to hear people enjoyed it, might get it next sale :).

i played the first batman game. it looked good and the controls were tight but id played that game a million times before it was even conceived so it never held my interest lol

im playing dark souls 1 again lol. modded it a bit too
My brand new custom built rig is awesome. My specs are below.
Asus Sabertooth 990FX R2.0 Motherboard.
AMD FX 8350 CPU.
Sapphire AMD Radeon 290 GPU
16 gigs of G Skill Ram
Corsair 760T Full Tower ATX case.
Crucial SSD at 250 gigs.
Mechanical Hard Drive from my older PC which is a Seagate 1 terabyte
My brand new custom built rig is awesome. My specs are below.
Asus Sabertooth 990FX R2.0 Motherboard.
AMD FX 8350 CPU.
Sapphire AMD Radeon 290 GPU
16 gigs of G Skill Ram
Corsair 760T Full Tower ATX case.
Crucial SSD at 250 gigs.
Mechanical Hard Drive from my older PC which is a Seagate 1 terabyte

Does it make sandwiches and offer blowjobs?