Maybe it is because I only played the first Metal Gear Solid but I don't get it.
Maybe it is because I only played the first Metal Gear Solid but I don't get it.
In Metal Gear Solid 2 Solid Snake revives his daddy Big Boss aka Naked Snake and introduces him to the internet. In Metal Gear Solid 3 we take a role as Big Boss and complete a lot of missions on the internet like trolling LGBT community, hacking, flaming on facebook and this gif comes from one of the cutscenes after you complete the mission
I was going to play Xenosaga but due to the chatter about MGS I think I will do a mini MGS marathon. Thank Odin for emulation. Too bad I can only get up to MGS 3 that way since there is no reliable PS3 emulation yet.
I played Sons of Liberty a bit when it came out but I don't remember it. The only thing I can recall was Raiden running around naked, which seems to be the common thing people remember . I never got further because the game was a rental.
It should be intetesting to see how badly the first game aged, it was awesome at the time though.
PC gaming is so much fun!!! I hate I didn't start it sooner. Can someone explain to me how FRAPS works?
PC gaming is so much fun!!! I hate I didn't start it sooner. Can someone explain to me how FRAPS works?