The Gaming Thread

I started Fallout 4 but it failed the grab me the way I had expected. After a few hours I was still not attached to it at all, so I stopped playing for now so I could continue another game.

One thing that kind of bothered me was the early appearance of a Deathclaw. When you get to kill a Deathclaw, a landmark moment in any other Fallout game, within the first 2 hours of the game it kind of fucks with the pacing. I feel like there is nothing bigger or unexpected to look forward to and I just started the game. Especially when you consider how fucking awesome the Deathclaw looks in this game, he reminded me of Diablo a bit. But nope, I offed a big ass Deathclaw on my first try at level 3 in a non-optional scenario, before I had even gotten killed by anything else. They took away the joy of getting completely murdered by my nemesis and having to spend 30 hours getting stronger until I can come back and blow his head off.

I honestly feel like that was a huge mistake on Bethesda's part, unless they have something completely new and really badass waiting later in the game. Sure the Deathclaw is a known enemy in the Fallout universe, but from a role-playing stand-point this is the first time this character has encountered one, and it was trivial.

Did that bug anyone else? Maybe I thought about it too much.

Aside from that I liked the presentation of Fallout 4 and I like some of the new subtle features like displaying/looting containers without entering a menu. For some reason I just don't find the starting area of the world interesting and even when I tried to role-play it I got bored.

I'll give it another go when I bored with my latest Mount and Blade character (with Floris Mod Expanded for something new).
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Yea, it sucked, same stands for Skyrim, beating fucking dragon on lvl 2 1 hoour into the game.

I already uninstalled this piece of crap
Actually yeah that's kind of a fair point. It never bothered me that a Dragon was taken down so early but that is actually kind of retarded... I suppose in my head I just accepted that it was a weak dragon. Still, at least you couldn't just solo it like it was a little bitch in 2 minutes.
But that's sad that you are getting wrecked by fucking bears and you just can kill dragon without losing any health.

And then all those mighty dragons are getting raped by giants if you lure them there. I would be afraid of those fucking giants, not dragon pussies.
Fallout 4 has failed me:(. I really, really want to like it but I have to force myself to play it for more than 30-45 minutes at a time in hopes that something will click. My first Bethesda game that I did not enjoy.

I sense a disturbance in the force. :)
im in about 20 hours and i come and go. playing on the hardest difficulty, cant imagine any lower as its still easy at times. deathclaw murdered me about 5 times before i fought it. i liked that it was like "hey check out some of the cool shit you might find, a ruined suit of power armor and a deathclaw that is semi easily killed".

i see what youre saying tho, its like the the dog, theyre just shoving all the best parts at you right away. that being said, its the first of like 6 tiers of power suit armor and one of about 10 companions ive found so far (one of which i immediately dismissed the dog for). the gun customization i love, even just naming my guns is helpful. the higher your level the more tiers you find and the more you can modify em.

leveling is slowish but rewarding as the perk system is so much better now. every place i find has cool shit in it or is worth exploring (ironically not the main hub, diamond city. its so small and bad looking lol). stuff scales to you but the west can be insanely hard. the iron workers sacrificing people to the forge, the gunners. the guy trying to teach super mutants shakespeare, all the military outposts, the god man synths are so cool haha.

it doesnt look amazing, its awesome no doubt but not "wow a whole new level"

if youve played a video game before, take off the training wheels and play hard too :p, i hate easy games. but if you dont like it you dont :), like i said i come and go. played it 4 evenings straight then not again for like 5.

just an alternate opinion, if aex says it i just assume he hates it because the sun is too yellow and the grass is overly green. but for others i love a good discussion, as i agree with many of your points haha

i got a new tv the other day :D. been working 7 days a week, felt good to just decide to spend 500$ and have something nice in the new place lol.
I hate it because my brain is fully functioning and capable of not being mindwashed by bethesda's propaganda and I dont feel the need to join the bandwagon WOW F4 IS AMAZING I NEED TO FIND MORE PEOPLE SO I CAN BE A PART OF THE HERD.

The game sucks, I dont know any REAL (yes!) gamer that would like it. Maybe the game works on consoles. But then again, if its first person and you shoot, then the game should not be played on consoles, period.

3/10 is best I can do, game looks like shit, works like shit and is made for shitpeople with shit instead of brain.