The Gaming Thread

Looks like I hurt you a little, you played Dark Souls, thought you are hardcore but turns out youre all just manchilds pretending to be pro gamers Im gonna laugh now. Loudly.

And at least bloodrayne got head sizes right.

Unless you show me your cs ranks youre gonna be scrubs for me. Im Global Elite now and have legitimacy to laugh at every causals and game scrubs ever.
Looks like I hurt you a little, you played Dark Souls, thought you are hardcore but turns out youre all just manchilds pretending to be pro gamers Im gonna laugh now. Loudly.

And at least bloodrayne got head sizes right.

Unless you show me your cs ranks youre gonna be scrubs for me. Im Global Elite now and have legitimacy to laugh at every causals and game scrubs ever.

Bitch I was GE before VAC waves. Every silver scrub from back in the day is GE now. Get on my level.
Since I realised I have Tomb Raider (reboot) on both PS4 and PC somehow I gave it a go on PC.

So far it looks like the last of us with generic american (or british in that case) teenager superhero.
Wont judge the game yet, because ive been told it gets better later but so far it was cutscenes with QTE and one brawl with some russian dudes (why does it always have to be russians?)
I needed to take a break, because not only the neverending cutscenes are being "filmed" by a cameraman with parkinsons but the gameplay itself has such shaky camera my head hurts.

Graphics are nice, controls are... okay for a port. Cant crouch somehow even though its an option, need to google the problem.

If story will get better and I will have the chance to actually play something and not only mash E and arrows during QTE it may not be a bad game.
I started to suck in Tomb Raider on purpose.

So many great, gruesome death animations. I already got impaled on 10 different things, my body was crushed by rocks and got slashed by spinning blades.

After 3 hours I thought the game added some fun mechanic that after Lara takes too much damage she cant do acrobatics until she heals herself. But nope, after she finally fell from great heights for the 15th time I thought "thats it, she finally took some damage!".

But nope, all it took is to burn with the hot metal the wound from the beginning of the game. So what, now it suddenyl startet to hurt after few hours? Could be great mechanic, but they ruined it. Shame.
Yea, it's not a bad game, although will be pretty forgetable i think. Havent finished it yet, but looks like im near the end, so its not very long either.

I just need to make sure i will be playing on hardest difficulty when Rise of Tomb Raider is out, normal difficulty on m+k is too fucking easy, 24/7 im full of ammo and have yet to die in combat.

6,5/10 so far, if they wont screw up the ending im willing to give it 7/10, since its fresh experiance for me on PC. Still resembles The Last of Us dou.
I just played Diablo 2 Median (it's a really great mod that adds insane amounts of stuff) on a fucking Closed server. It was like a trip down nostalgia lane, except completely warped and awesomely intense. Too bad the community is pretty small, it is a mod for an old game after all.

It was so weird logging into a look-alike and playing this completely crazy experience in Diablo 2 clothing. I can't decide if I should dedicate some time to it or just kick around the singleplayer and explore all the Diablo 2 Ultra on my own time.

Anyways since I know there are a few Diablo 2 fans around here I thought I'd mention it. It's a pretty amazing mod. The character classes are unrecognizable and the skills and monsters are so much more intense. I played Median XL in it's early days and even then it was easily one of the most complete and balanced mods ever, and now it's much bigger. Too bad I don't have the time I once had when I was in high school and could dedicate myself to being a god amongst the servers.

For the curious: (original mod by original creator, this site has all the info) (the continued mod with online closed server support plus a great mod manager tool to make it super easy to try)
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id be interested for sure. my buddy and i played d2 hardcore a couple months back. once or twice a week wed complete an act or rush someone who died (me vs duriel lol, that prick) lol. we got to midway through act 1 nightmare as necromancers and were having a blast.

dont click this
id be interested for sure. my buddy and i played d2 hardcore a couple months back. once or twice a week wed complete an act or rush someone who died (me vs duriel lol, that prick) lol. we got to midway through act 1 nightmare as necromancers and were having a blast.

dont click this

I'm gonna click it.

Also, Duriel is a fucking nightmare. I remember when D2 was still young and old ass PC's barely ran the damn game.... Even entering his lair was a lag-fest and everyone in the game would die like 12 times before they even got to start fighting back.

Enter Duriel's Lair
Screen freezes
Hear your character die
Wait 15 seconds for screen to unfreeze
See your character die
Go to town and hope next time he is busy killing someone else so you can run around screaming for a few seconds trying to reach your corpse

Rinse and repeat until some lucky asshole gets a killing blow and gets all the damn loot to themselves!! :mad:

Actually that was every Diablo 2 boss in a nutshell when it came out and PC's couldn't handle the badly optimized engine, and was a laggy piece of crap. Yet I still loved it and played through it.
I have reached the point where I am getting tired of WoW yet again, for the 8th time or so. Getting my account hacked 2 times within 1 month is not helping the case either. Plus, garrison bullshit is driving me crazy. And also nobody in my guild is really active. I think I need to change servers even though I played on the same one for 10 years. If they discount the cost of changing servers then I will do it though. Nobody is alive on my servers basically :(

So far now... Time to reinstall the Star Wars MMO :)
I finally got time to finish this Tomb Raider.

It's okay game, but I think i'll stop at just okay. My problem with it is it had waaaay too much action it became boring. I mean, it gets old fast, you are looking for those easy to see spots that you can climb on, then you blast through enemies with unlimited ammo, then you fucking climb some enormous structure or mountains, then you fall down while avoiding obstacles just to see another army of worthless enemies.
The puzzles were way too easy too, but maybe I finished too many puzzles in games in my life to find those challenging.

Anyway, nice graphics, decent voice acting, okay controls, dull story, fun gameplay, giving it 6,5/10 and waiting for the second game. Ill just make sure to play it on hardest difficulty.