The Gaming Thread

It's the same issue I have in some of the movies or series, especially Walking Dead. I enjoy those :filler" episodes, because we can experiance some character development or some good story / atmosphere of apocalypse but retards are all like WAAAAH NO ZOMBIES NO MASS SHOOTINGS THIS EPISODE SUCK.

Tomb Raider really had potential to be great game if it wasnt made for retards. Action packed, obvious routes making the game linear as fuck, easy enemies with unlimited ammo basicaly. 4-5 years ago when the game was in development I heard shit like "its going to be true survival, Lara will be fragile and scared creature strugling to survive". Yea, no. She killed hundreds of man without blinking. I didnt see the need to collect food, hide, just survive. Typical action shooter so either the game changed directions or developers are full of shit.
Last 2 years sucked for those sales, especially the new type of sales, now I couldnt even give less fucks about them. What I wanted i already have and even though i's on sale the prices still suck for polish peasants, we can get it cheaper on our auction sites buying russian cd keys :3
I recently embarked on a Rare binge. Banjo-Kazooie all day with beer.

Weird, I contemplated doing that myself a while back. I had the urge to play an old school N64 style adventure so I was trying to decide between Mario 64, Donkey Kong 64 and Banjo-Kazooie.

I ended up playing Diablo 2 but the thought was there.

It was a bit of a unique time for 3d platformers, that brand of games doesn't really exist anymore.
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Weird, I contemplated doing that myself a while back. I had the urge to play an old school N64 style adventure so I was trying to decide between Mario 64, Donkey Kong 64 and Banjo-Kazooie.

I ended up playing Diablo 2 but the thought was there.

It was a bit of a unique time for 3d platformers, that brand of games doesn't really exist anymore.

People seem to think Mario 64 was better than the rest, but if you ask me Banjo-Kazooie and Banjo-Tooie shit all over it.
Conker's Bad Fur Day though is my absolute favourite, what a masterpiece that game was/is. Totally original yet a continuation of a tradition at the time.

There's actually a crowd funded old school N64 style platform/adventure game being developed right now called Lobodestroyo, I'm super excited for it to be completed.
Last 2 years sucked for those sales, especially the new type of sales, now I couldnt even give less fucks about them. What I wanted i already have and even though i's on sale the prices still suck for polish peasants, we can get it cheaper on our auction sites buying russian cd keys :3
Well, I work in a gaming company, so I get a yearly game-purchase allowance. I like to use it, so that I have all the games that I might fancy playing at some point.

Never play anything other than a bit of CS though.
Fuck I have spent like 3 hours trying to get Jedi Knights II: Jedi Outcast running on Windows 10, The game loads to first menu now but the menu has no text, im stuck. :cry:
i almost bought that too qth :(, shame to waste your time, the 3$ price tag is almost a non issue lol.

bought dark souls 2 scholar of the first sin, the slightly better graphics and rebalance was enough to sell me on the 14$ price tag.

i dunno who this casetteisgod guy is but he fuckin nailed it haha. i was never a huge fan of super mario 64 (dont get me wrong, i get why people like it and dont think its a bad game, i just never got into it at the time).

perfect dark was imo the best rare game, it was goldeneye but with more of everything that made goldeneye amazing. it is probably the 10/10 to which i compare all shooters. it even had co-op and COUNTER-op, which is still to this day some of the most fun i had with my sister in a videogame.

merry christmas dudes
I didnt buy it I downloaded the ISO from torrent-site. That game has never needed any cracks to play single player. I have read that people downloading it through Steam has the same problems though.
I was in a mood for a good Star Wars game and that is the best one I have played.
Fuck I have spent like 3 hours trying to get Jedi Knights II: Jedi Outcast running on Windows 10, The game loads to first menu now but the menu has no text, im stuck. :cry:

I am not home to test it but to get Jedi Academy working I used OpenJK which is basically just an engine update that adds compatibility and support for more advanced modding. I made a dumb mod and added all the Jedi/Sith from the movies to the game (like Sidious and Kenobi) so I can make them fight. :lol:.I even added a few expanded universe characters so I could participate in 20 v 20 Sith vs Jedi lightsaber fights. Sadly I get owned unless I cheat a little since obviously I had to make many of them much more skilled and harder to kill than Desann would be, but it is still entertaining to watch if you are a nerd like me.

Sorry if this is full of typos I am on my phone and the new forum no longer lets me see what I am typing afterr three lines. Wish I could get a new phone...

Anyway I know OpenJK works for Jedi Academy so it SHOULD work with Jedi Outcast. You might have to look.
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If I had to choose the best Rare game I would probably agree with Perfect Dark. My friends and I probably sunk more hours into that multiplayer than any other console game. After than it's hard to choose... Strictly on N64 I would say Banjo-Kazooie is second best, but if we include SNES I would probably rank Donkey Kong Country 2 as their second best game.

Rare had one hell of a run any way you look at it. Very consistent quality. It's too bad Microsoft bought them....
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I am not home to test it but to get Jedi Academy working I used OpenJK which is basically just an engine update that adds compatibility and support for more advanced modding. I made a dumb mod and added all the Jedi/Sith from the movies to the game (like Sidious and Kenobi) so I can make them fight. :lol:.I even added a few expanded universe characters so I could participate in 20 v 20 Sith vs Jedi lightsaber fights. Sadly I get owned unless I cheat a little since obviously I had to make many of them much more skilled and harder to kill than Desann would be, but it is still entertaining to watch if you are a nerd like me.

Sorry if this is full of typos I am on my phone and the new forum no longer lets me see what I am typing afterr three lines. Wish I could get a new phone...

Anyway I know OpenJK works for Jedi Academy so it SHOULD work with Jedi Outcast. You might have to look.

Thats awesome! :D
Yes OpenJK was what made me get all the way to the main menu. :)
Without it I get OpenGL Error. So I think Im screwed. :(
Yeah it's pretty neat and kind of lame, but hell, it's an extremely easy engine to work with (thank you Quake engine) and it amuses me. It's probably because of how much I liked watching the monsters fight each other in Doom/Quake/Unreal. If the NPCs want to kill each other then who am I to get in the way?

I added the Jedi Council including young Anakin, all the movie Sith, Revan and Malak from KOTOR, Starkiller from Force Unleashed and several others not pictured like Luke and Bobafett. Screenshots are low resolution for some reason.

The hardest part is balancing them since all of the NPC's skill/force levels can exceed the player limit of lvl 3... Which is great for the uber-characters like Sidious but bad news for the player and basically anything in his way. Also the Lightsaber fights in Jedi games are possibly the best sword fights in a game, but it's a so extremely unrealistic when it comes to how fatal Lightsabers are. :lol:

Alright that's enough nerding out. Sorry about that.

As for OpenJK, I just looked and realized that Outcast only has limited support... That kind of sucks since Outcast had a better story and progression, even if it lacked the saber staffs and such.


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