The Gaming Thread

Of course it will be well recived by mindless masses. I could film me shitting and people would love it.

Witcher 3 was supposed to be great RPG (best rpg for many) and for me it turned out to be one of the most boring rpgs i played from 2012.

See Fallout 4, this abomination should be rated 3/10 by everybody at best, and yet because of hype its praised. Blizzard and Wacraft means hype, doesnt mean the movie is good. Lets wait and see it ourselves.
Mindless masses means a wide variety of very different people? This was a focus group showing which the studio uses as a guide for their advertising and to know whether or not to push the movie or not to.

Anyway, here's you dwarf too :D

Okay, there is a dwarf, I will watch it for sure.

The rest of the complaints still stands, its too cartoony because of the CGI and realism mix.

Well if you don't know who she is then I won't spoil it but once you see the movie it will make sense. Why are you focusing on the CGI so much anyway? It might not be the best ever made, but it is still top notch and if you ask me, most of it looks better than the stuff in the Hobbit movies!
I dont know why this ruins it that much for me. I guess im getting the Space Jam vibes. Human actors + the rest is CGI. Exactly like in Warcraft lel.

Btw, I like how negros are apparently casted to play orcs. Orcs are more stupid than humans, just like negros are more stupid than whites. Realism
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
It's impossible to be imersersed in that shit with how bad it looks. They would had been better off making a full on cut scene tier movie than that. The whole 60 percent CGI 40 percent real people thing only works if you're going for a cheesy feel.
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It's impossible to be imersersed in that shit with how bad it looks. They would had been better off making a full on cut scene tier movie than that. The whole 60 percent CGI 40 percent real people thing only works if you're going for a cheesy feel.

Are you serious? I mean you're being pretty intense about this it. I guarantee you that once you see it on the big screen you won't be so dramatic about it :p But so you felt this way about the Hobbit movies too or what? Because what you see in these trailers for Warcraft is on par - if not better - than the Hobbit.
Hobbit sucked in visuals. Dwarves looked like shitty cosplays, only during the flashbacks in the first movie when they fought orcs in their badass armors they looked great.
In battle of 5 armies there wasnt even good, long battle, we got shitgolas breaking physics instead. Everything looked artificial, and its the same with Warcraft now. I really dont get why they didnt went for full cgi. It would probably be cheaper anyways and if not, would at least look better and would look amazing.

Instead we got another Space Jam.
Are you serious? I mean you're being pretty intense about this it. I guarantee you that once you see it on the big screen you won't be so dramatic about it :p But so you felt this way about the Hobbit movies too or what? Because what you see in these trailers for Warcraft is on par - if not better - than the Hobbit.

Very serious. I mean, if you want to judge it as a movie you have to consider it as a solo piece without the Warcraft fan boy lens on. I also felt like the Hobbit looked poor, but honestly it stands out more here just with the level of characters needed to represent orcs (ie further away from a standard human model, stands out more). I don't know anyone that is not still knee deep in WoW or Blizzard nostalgia that thinks this movie looks remotely appealing, and many of those that still fall into those categories would admit that a full length done in wc3 cinema graphics would be better looking than this overpriced mess.
Hmm, well fair enough - I can't say I really know what non-Warcraft fans say about it but it's understandable at least. I guess we'll have to wait for critics to put out their reviews once the movie comes out. But even though the CGI may be more distinctive due to the uncanny valley thing, I'm fairly sure that if you do watch it, you'll barely notice it after 5 minutes of the movie playing. Besides, this is ultra-high fantasy - unlike the Hobbit. So I'm fine with it looking all cheesy and magical! I just personally hope that the movie does well, because it would open the gates to other video game adaptions - and also more Warcraft movies. Legendary pictures is hoping for the same thing, seeing as it's titled Warcraft: The Beginning in the UK. I mean obviously they want to earn money, but you know what I mean I'm sure
The Hobbit was a huge step back compared to LOTR. Dwarves looked horrible (you can practically see the seams where the beards end), the CGI orcs were complete shit and unbelievable compared to the practical effects in LOTR, and the green screens were painfully obvious. You could tell it was a bunch of unconvincing actors in a studio more than movies with half the resources.... I gave up on that trilogy halfway through the second movie. It was badly executed all around.

Warcraft looks even more out of place, although if I were judging only the CGI quality, it does LOOK pretty cool.

That said it still has a chance of being the closest to a decent video game movie we have so far.
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It doesn't compare to LOTR, that's for sure. I still found them decent and enjoyable to watch though - and there's good reasons for the quality of the Hobbit trilogy. You can just google it, but the gist of it is that Guillermo Del Toro was the guy who was supposed to direct them originally. Then Peter Jackson was brought on board and he had way too little time to do his job properly. He originally pitched it as a 2-movie deal which he said could be reduced to just 1 long one, and then the studio decided to go with 3. Needless to say, he was being fucked in the ass by the studio and wasn't allowed any freedom at all - something that made the LOTR movies so good. Anyway, they were badly executed indeed.

I'm glad it's not all grumpiness in this thread! I think that if I were to bite the sour apple then my pessimistic opinion would probably mirror yours. It will at least be a decent movie!
I also want to state that the CGI itself aint looking bad, it looks very good and I dont care if it looks cheesy, its fantasy movie. It just looks bad with humans (well, real humans) next to it, thats all. ANd I repeat, i also hope this movie does well. I want to see Starcraft movie and more GOOD game adaptations. But as shows, preferably.
And Kerrigan's zergy butt.

Talking about Kerrigan, in new SC she became a negro.
Now I saw some art from Blizzard on Nova and now she also looks like negro. What the fuck is with this race changing
