The Gaming Thread

I need to try Doom 2016 again. I was bored to tears after only a handful of what seemed to be a series of over-staged arena sequences, where you just glory kill everything in sight. But I recently watched a documentary on the making of Doom by Noclip and it made me want to appreciate the game more. I think I'll like it a bit better next round.

Keep in mind that Doom is my all time favourite and most played game ever. Ever since I was 8 years old I have always had an installation of Doom on every computer I've ever owned. I have 4 different versions on my setup right now, from various source ports to vanilla Doom. I have both a favorable bias, and a rabid fanboy mentality, and I still couldn't enjoy Doom 2016 much. I liked the self-awareness of Doom 2016 but it still didn't feel like the Doom game that everyone was screaming about. It felt more like a series of arenas as opposed to the more sprawling chaotic maps of the original. I was always locked into a skirmish rather than flying around the level kicking ass as I pleased.

I did not get all that far before getting bored and giving up prematurely though. I want to like it more and play all the way through next time.
I need to try Doom 2016 again. I was bored to tears after only a handful of what seemed to be a series of over-staged arena sequences, where you just glory kill everything in sight. But I recently watched a documentary on the making of Doom by Noclip and it made me want to appreciate the game more. I think I'll like it a bit better next round.

Keep in mind that Doom is my all time favourite and most played game ever. Ever since I was 8 years old I have always had an installation of Doom on every computer I've ever owned. I have 4 different versions on my setup right now, from various source ports to vanilla Doom. I have both a favorable bias, and a rabid fanboy mentality, and I still couldn't enjoy Doom 2016 much. I liked the self-awareness of Doom 2016 but it still didn't feel like the Doom game that everyone was screaming about. It felt more like a series of arenas as opposed to the more sprawling chaotic maps of the original. I was always locked into a skirmish rather than flying around the level kicking ass as I pleased.

I did not get all that far before getting bored and giving up prematurely though. I want to like it more and play all the way through next time.
At the risk of sounding cheesy, DOOM 2016 isn't a game that you critically evaluate for its pros and cons and arrive at the conclusion of it being a good game. You basically set the difficulty to Nightmare (or Ultra-violence if you're a pleb), give yourself in to the madness and enjoy the experience at a primal level as you slaughter the demon-hoards. The structure of the game game is exactly as you describe; most of the action takes place in kill-zones, which are mostly (but not always) locked off, but if you're critical of that, I'll say that you're overthinking it.

It's not an exquisite 9 course gourmet meal which requires a wide palette and well-developed tastebuds. It's a box full of fatty comfort food that you eat on your couch shoveling it in by the handfuls.
Well there is a "plot" if you check the codex and there were quick snippets of info. But yeah the game actually makes a point of saying fuck the plot. When some guy starts talking to you through a monitor to explain the situation, Doom guy literally rips the screen from its place and throws it against a wall. :lol:

At the risk of sounding cheesy, DOOM 2016 isn't a game that you critically evaluate for its pros and cons and arrive at the conclusion of it being a good game. You basically set the difficulty to Nightmare (or Ultra-violence if you're a pleb), give yourself in to the madness and enjoy the experience at a primal level as you slaughter the demon-hoards. The structure of the game game is exactly as you describe; most of the action takes place in kill-zones, which are mostly (but not always) locked off, but if you're critical of that, I'll say that you're overthinking it.

It's not an exquisite 9 course gourmet meal which requires a wide palette and well-developed tastebuds. It's a box full of fatty comfort food that you eat on your couch shoveling it in by the handfuls.

Yeah. I know what they were going for and I was prepared to shut my brain off, I only ended up analyzing it when I realized how bored I was within an hour. I definitely understand the mentality of the game (hell I got into Serious Sam and that is even more mindless), I guess I just wasn't prepared for it to feel like an arena shooter, and the glory kills are waaay too common. It should be a lucky thing when you get to execute one so it's interesting. I was able to glory kill about 80-90% of the enemies, and since the game encourages it with rewards it they become a chore.

Still I'm willing to give it another shot, this time a bit more prepared for the things that bothered me. I want to love it, and it's clearly an incredibly well made game. I'm going to go into it with a fresher perspective tonight after work.
Playing Metal Gear Solid 5 for the first time. Many people told me that you don't need to play all the previous games to enjoy it because it's a prequel, and the story isn't as important in this game as it was in previous entries.

Holy fuck, that prologue. Never experienced anything like that before. If the game can keep up that level of intensity and quality I think I'm going to really like this. I just got out it the world so I can't judge much else yet.
It cant. The prologue, final boss battle and last mission are good. The rest of the missions are outdoors, there is no sense of urgency, there is no threat.

If you want such cinematic experiance try MGS 4, although this game is only really great when you know the story, the game is basically 90% fanservice and thats great. Linearity worked for MGS, hell, it still was kinda linear in MGS V Ground Zeroes and this demo, prequel to mgs v phantom pain if you would is better than the fullgame. If you didnt play ground zeroes, play it. I bet its very cheap now and it offers fantastic mission(missions if you are completionist).

Finally, MGS V is a prequel, but here is the timeline (writing from my head so i might confuse shit).

MGS 3, MGS Portable Ops(not sure if canon), MGS Peace Walker, MGS Ground Zeroes, MGS V, Metal Gear, Metal Gear 2 Solid Snake, MGS 1, MGS 2, MGS 4.

And my personal "story quality" rank:
MGS 4, MGS 3, Peace Walker, MGS 1, Ground Zeroes, MGS 2, Metal Gear 2, Phantom Pain, Metal Gear.

Yes, Phantom Pain is not last because obviously Metal Gear for MSX(nes) wasnt very advanced in storytelling department. Although it had a story.
I have Ground zeroes as well, it was packaged together. I didn't know it was a different experience though until I looked just now, I assumed it just added content to the game like a DLC since it was packaged with MGS V. So it's actually a stand alone lead-in. Maybe I should start there instead.

It's a shame I won't be seeing more of what I played in the prologue though. That was epic. Although I'm very confused about the paranormal aspect being so ramped up and the whole flaming horse and shit. I have only played up to MGS 2, so maybe there is more supernatural shit going on now than before.
Do play Ground Zeroes then, it happens right after Peace Walker, but you should be fine, at least you will know how you got into coma, It's short, around an hour if you dont know what youre doing (i finish it under 10 minutes now with perfect stealth lol) but it has really good atmosphere.

Yea, sadly there is a lot of bullshit in MGS V. But if you played mgs 1 and 2 you should be familiar with some supernatural. But later it gets worse with bullshit, since it's not very spoilery ill just say that in previous mgs games bullshit was explained with NANOMACHINES DID IT HURRRR.
But its 1984, so there's no nanomachines, ill leave that to you how they will explain bullshit :D
It's not that bad to be honest.

First you meet Solid Snake in Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2, you meet your nemesis, Big Boss. Then MGS 1 and MGS 2, story continues, but you dont know why Kaz (Master in mgs1) and Liquid hate Big Boss (spoiler, because they are crybabies), then the action stops and shifts to Big Boss im MGS 3, Portable OPS and Peace Walker. Then when you finally know all characters MGS 4 comes with massive cinematic experiance, tons of fanservice and wraps up the story of Solid Snake nicely.
So, we only had to discover how Big Boss became a "bad" guy (Solidus and BB did nothing wrong hashtag), how he created Outer Heaven and how he met Sniper Wolf, Decoy Octopus, Psycho Mantis and Vulcano Raven and other freaks.

WHOOPS, sucks to be you, MGS V tells nothing about it. Fuck Kojima and Konami :3
Ehh, all this talk about MGS V makes me wanna finish the grind side story of this game about Paz. So far i avoided spoilers for that but i excpect another bullshit and the missions are really grindy, like the whole game after the first half.