The Gaming Thread

I enjoyed Starcraft 2, but I only play single player modes in RTS games.

Never cared for any diablo games, but still mobile diablo is ridiculous.
I also only play single player now, so SC2 was acceptable for me. I was competitive when I was a teenager because I had the time and ambition for it. Now I just enjoy playing a couple matches here and there.
Shitty music.

But at least my fav ching chong cosplayers were hired by riot

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^The left one is waifu material

Are any of the human dancers fuckable for you

I’d nail the straight haired non-ching-chong brunette
Left one is perfect, hips, thighs, tits and face, even has adorable dimple when she smiles. Google Doremi sp cats, that's her, but no fapping, respect my waifu.

Dancers are shitty, brunette looks like typical american girl that sucks all dicks of the track team
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Starcraft 2 is decent, but that's because they were actually faithful to the original which was shocking. I expected them to bastardize it and make it just like Warcraft 3, so good on them for doing at least one franchise justice.

Gameplay wise, SC2 was good imo. Campaign was fun, but the game was obviously not as balanced as a 20 year old game. Still, the e-sports scene around SC2 seems to have grown again.
The story in SC2 was such a rip off of the WC3 campaign though. SC1 and BW had such a good sci-fi story, and they just decided to turn it into a fantasy epic instead, because every game needs a BIG BAD GUY so everyone can team up and fight him together.
I hated Protoss story in SC1 and it stopped me from finishing the game few times when I was younger.
And then BroodWar starts with protoss :(
Dont remember exactly, just general annoyance paired with boring gameplay of them (as mentioned earlier, spawn X carriers, send them to move and enjoy a movie)
I agree that the Protoss portion of the campaign was the worst part, and if you are doing a straight playthrough it's kind of annoying that they put both Protoss campaigns back to back. I just went through SC and BW in their entirety, and in both I would say the Protoss were the least interesting to play as in terms of objectives and map design. The story element works out but I definitely prefer the Terrans and Zerg. The Zerg being my favourite all around.
Best missions in BW were where you navigate a small group of units through a labyrinth, love those. Other missions were more or less just a regular game of Starcraft against AI. Oh, and the missions where you need to survive a certain amount of time, like an early terran mission where you bunker up 2 choke points - those were nice too.
Yea, my fav missions are always defend the point for X time, they seem challanging most of the time.
And just finished Valkyria Chronicles 4, and I think its gonna be my game of the year.

It has its flows, especially in difficulty department, but I got really engaged in the story and somehow liked everyone from the main cast, and supporting cast is solid too. Could clearly see it as my favourite strategy series of all time if sega worked on improving the AI.

Bonus points for low key dissing USA for their nukes during the second half of the game.

In summary, VC4 turned out to be 100x better Metal Gear game than Metal Gear Solid V was.

Nukes (or something similiar) - check.
Impressive war machines - check.
Story with gray elements - check.
Paranormal rare elements - check.
Betrayal - check.
Sacrifice - check.
Waifus - check.
Husbandos - check.

8/10, will probably end up buying few DLCs when they are on sale.
Bought PSVR, just had a test run with some demo (Astrobot?)

Nice, pretty good immersion, although its fucking hot in it and my camera deteced pad in slightly wrong position.

Also there were times where I felt I could lose the balance so I think ill avoid horror games until I get comfortable with it, jump scare could kill me and worse - destroy the headset.

Now after discovering this world i DEMAND:
1. Nier Automata in VR for waifu reasons.
2. Attack on Titan VR, it just has to happen
3. Horror games with no jumpscares

And porn
VR porn sucks, wasnt even worth the effort of copying it to pendrive. Scale is all off, feels like your fucking a giantess. Not even close to what games have to offer.

Since I cant seem to keep money in my bank account i bouight Farpoint with VR Aim Controller


It's been 84 years since I enjoyed game with no good plot, just pure gameplay. I also realise the gameplay is flat, its basically the same all the time but I dont give a fuck, I love it, pure arcade experiance I didnt have for over 10 years once they closed one near the cinema. Maybe some controlls could be done better, there are even probably better games that use this controller but im satisfied for now. It's nice to enjoy mindless games again.
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Farpoint got much less enjoyable when I started encountering humanoid enemies, that are agile and annoying. Graphics are not good enough for me to see a fucking snipers or swarm at the horizon so I could only grt rid of them in closer combat. I also got new type of weapon, some kind of burst rifle with low ammo (like 4 bursts that dont do much dmg) and couldnt go back to more satysfying gun. Completely ruined my fun :/

Also lack of final boss was bad (unless you cant fighting swarm of the same guys for 10 minutes a boss fight) and the story was short, I dont think I played more than 4 hours, while people avarage 6 hours.

Anyway, was extremely fun while it lasted. Will definitely find more games to use with this controller.
Just watched a Youtube demonstration of Farpoint. That definitely looks intriguing. I'm still very skeptical about VR but it seems they are making some pretty impressive progress.
For me VR is in an early stage, say NES era. Bad graphics (working with what you have), plot almost nonexistent, short, but gameplay MIGHT be solid.

Exactly what Farpoint was for 70% of the game. Dunno how they fucked up end game so bad and gave worst weapon than you had
Playing (well, I guess im finishing) Yakuza 0.

It's my first game in Yakuza series and it's great. I prefer the storyline of the second protagonist as well as his fighting styles, but its not a chore to play the other one.

Game has a great mix of humour and seriousness, reminding me of Metal Gear Solid. Voice acting of the second protagonist, Goro Majima makes my vagina moist and he shall by mu husbando.