The Gaming Thread

Also, my penis is fully erect for DOOM Eternal. Trailer looked good, gameplay (the keyboard+mouse part) looks even better than DOOM 2016.

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Nobody is gonna convince me, that Quake requires precision. Shoot with explosives in the geenral direction and eventually you will kill everyone.

Try that in CS, better player will always destroy you, spraying wont save you.

How i see quake:
1. Write macro that will constantly jump for you
2. Turn off the monitor
3. Shoot

After 15 minutes check your score.
Funnily enough, CS basically started off as a Quake mod. Anyway, you're wrong, Quake actually has way more mechanics than CS does at all levels of play, including the ones that affect your accuracy. There's no prediction rockets in CS, there's no LG target tracking, there's no area denial and there's way more RNG with how spraying works.
Which basically makes it inferior game. CS is all about prediction btw.

And if you say CS has rng spraying you clearly suck at spraying. On Dust2 I spray with p90 from long and cant take down mediocre awp player with it. Unless they changed something again, which also pisses me off, cant take seriously game that constantly changes,
Play CS since 1.1, naturally I know that :) Half-Life used Quake engine and it was a tongue in cheek comment anyway. Meanwhile, everything our Pole friend said is objectively utter bullshit. All three major Quake weapons are 100% precise, the projectile is fired exactly where you point. You can't say that even about the first bullet of AK-47, as of CS:GO (what an absolute disaster of a game CS:GO is btw, inferior to 1.6 in every way but cosmetics). CS spray mechanics are definition of RNG, whether you like it or not. Everything RNG has a pattern to it so you can master the spray, but only down to statistics. At every Major there's a prominent spray-god like GTR or dev1ce fucking it up miserably to the excitement of the commentators.
CS is all about prediction btw.
well duh. Every PvP is about prediction, from tic-tac-toe to actual IRL armed conflicts. I talked about prediction rockets, which are strictly an aiming technique, which you would've known if you knew anything at all about Quake.
1x1 me irl fag!
Actually, no... I'm deeply sorry about you being wrong and me being right.
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Me being wrong and pissing off people who are right is my entire interner career summed up. I enjoyed this life. But now im mostly retired.
Nobody is gonna convince me, that Quake requires precision. Shoot with explosives in the geenral direction and eventually you will kill everyone.

Try that in CS, better player will always destroy you, spraying wont save you.

How i see quake:
1. Write macro that will constantly jump for you
2. Turn off the monitor
3. Shoot

After 15 minutes check your score.
I was playing semi-pro CS for 3 years (2009-2012), so you don't have to explain CS mechanics to me. While I think CS overall has far more depth to it (teamworks, tactics, economy, map knowledge), when it comes to mechanical skill ceiling, CS is nowhere near Quake. Especially CSGO with it's highly-nerfed "realistic" movement and physics.

If you need any evidence, you can see Quake players picking to CS and doing relatively OK straight out of the gate. Not so much the other way round.
Well, they are probably doing fantastic on FFA, since in Quake youre contasntly running and gunning and doing tricks. Not my type of game, I prefer tactics, not barbaric macro jumping around.
Someone is jelous that I can alter my playstyles to counter opponents. You cant do that in quake, can you? Just close your eyes and hope for the best
I know I know, professional quake player after rushing B with p90 woudlnt go on Long. Sorry guys, im a pro, I stay here for the rest of the game. I will take AWP next round to counter dude on Long but dont expect me to go anywhere else, you know, Ive been profesionally playing quake with screen turned off for 5 years now.
Cyberpunk gameplay released.

Snoozefest, game looks generic as fuck, number for damage, enemies tank full clips to the head. Interiors are dark, outside is basically GTA. Nothing about this game screams cyberpunk / future for me, seen it before. Even newest Deus Ex has some distinct style, nothing about Cyberpunk is memorable.

Listing it as hack/n/slash MMO style FPS and dont give a fuck about it from now on.