The Gaming Thread

Playing demo of Valkyria Chronicles 4.

It's actually first real sequel to the first game, since 2 and 3 were games for PSP.

VC1 was released in 2008.

And Im usually against changes, but holy shit, I will now complain about the lack of changes.

Graphics are the same. Interface is the same. Animations are exactly the same (wtf) and so far basic gameplay mechanics are the same (thats a good thing at least). It worries me that they havent done anything for 10 years to the engine and reused old assets and animations. I feel like they also reused voice actors, but its been some time and it was never that good to give a fuck about VA. Maybe I'll play in JP this time.

Anyway, probably still gonna order collectors edition, im a sucker for turn based games and VC is the only game like that with unique mechanics, where there is turn based combat and at the same time real time combat. Meaning you take turns to move, but when you move enemies are reacting to you and fire. Positioning is crucial, conserving move points are necessary. But first game got super easy after midgame because of weak balance. Hope at least it changes and I wont rush the missions with 2 scouts.
I was always interested to try that game but never did for some reason. I guess I thought the turn based but still real time mechanic a bit weird. What's the point of giving me move points if the enemy can run around freely? Or is it more like the old school RPGs where the enemy can only move at the same time you move, and they also stop when you stop? I guess I should just look up a gameplay video rather than ramble here.
Opponents don't move during your turn. If you enter their line of sight they will open fire. The same will happen during enemy turn for your troops.

So you can't just zerg rush their base up front, because you're gonna get rekt. Send a scout to alarm their troops and lock onto your first unit, do some dmg and then sneak with your trooper from the other side and unload entire magazine at their backs.

Not sure how snipers react in newest game, but in 1st installment they didnt provide such reactive fire, which could be op.

I also like the permadeath of your troops if you dont send medic to them when theyre wounded or enemy get to their bodies before you do, theyre dead forever. But I only lost one guy throughout entire game, because the mission was crazy. As I said, I hope this time more missions will require more careful planning and be a real danger to your troops.
I barely played Starcraft 2 when Wings of Liberty came out, so now that the trilogy has been out for a while I'm going to fix that. I'm deciding if I should play through SC 1 first or not. Maybe not, since Starcraft 2 is fairly similar and I don't want to get sick of it before I even get started.
Yea, so I purchased Valkyria Chronicles 4 and im probably like 30% in, hard to say.

Its basically the same as 1, half of the music is from 1st game, interface is the same, the only difference is 1 more soldier class added and new type of movement which allows you to team up with up to 3 people and move as one unit, you can do it once a turn. But not a fan of this or maybe I havent found a good use for it since enemies seem to have a lot of granadiers in their defenses so Im not piling up to get blown away by one shell.

Characters are generic but well written at the same time, everyone from the main cast is likeable (maybe beside the dude driving the tank, but i dont know if he's considered a main cast). Since it's ching chong game there's obviously a lot of dialogs and cutscenes, which I dont mind most of the time, im always for plot and character relations. Another new addition seem to be uncovering the stories of the other soldiers if you use them long enough, ill see if it worth reading / watching.

As for the gameplay, it's fun, but the lack of difficulty is really frustrating for me. Sure, now in later levels my soldiers are heavly wounded more often, but noone died yet, im always able to rescue them easly. And whats the worst offender, after theyre blown away by tank, after medic patches them up I can deploy them after 1 turn. It's retarded AF and destroys any challange. It still would be easy if soldiers can only be used once for mission, because you have like 20+ to choose from, but maybe eventually you would run out of them. Here your soldier needing to be rescued just delays your victory, because AI is not trying hard enough to win. I can only have 1 guy left, but next turn I can just redeploy 6 at my base while enemy redeploys theirs at the other end of the map.

In other words, gotta wait for mods boosting up the difficulty / AI and then this game will be fantastic. Gonna finish it in its current form still.

Okay, just played a mission where difficulty was nearer something i'd like to play. Exactly what i said, fallen allies cant be used during the mission (hell, they cant even get a medic) and enemy captain although overpowered had much better AI, could flank and retreat, sadly her soldiers didnt do the same.

And to think the best mission so far was a mock battle for bread and bacon between allies. Lmao.
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VC4 finally started to be somewhat difficult. Last mission I did I had to surrender, because while enemy wouldnt win, because it was too stupid to take over my base, I would also have to waste maybe even several hours to finally make a proper push and win the map, so I surrendered.
On my 2nd try I just did good ol' "rush b no stop" and it worked like a charm. Hate winning when there is 70% of the enemies alive, but it had to be done.

Currently I lost a map for real and the rush tactics wont work. I have to stop bombs falling on my objective, but when I disable the bombs enemies are swarming me. Also I dont know if its just coincidence or AI finally started working, but they do everything to kill my snipers, without them I have almost no chance to stop the bombs. It's gonna be tricky to win and I hope glitches or some stupid AI decidion wont ruin my fun. I can finally use some tactics and thats great, even though the initial enemy positioning is kinda unfair.’s-sexual-harassment-problem-is-unacceptable-in-2018-read-op.70827/

Ordering Collectors Edition just to spite those retards. Sexism :rofl: Pixel slaps more pixels - sexual harassment.
The rest of the article is lies and whoever wrote this doesnt understand basic english or is playing in japanese and makes stuff up.

"Raz responds by saying that it must be Kai’s “women’s intuition” kicking in. Kai snipes back, reminding Raz that, in the army, people see them as a man. Raz then stands up, walks behind Kai, and grabs their butt.“No guy’s got an ass this tight.”"

No, military dont see women as men. She's literally pretending to be a man in front of her superiors because her brother asked her to do that.

". When they’re not being groped by their squad mates, the camera frames them at angles that accentuate their sexual value over their value to the squad. "

The camera is literally locked in some way when you are playing female characters with skirts, so you cant peek. The rest of the characters are wearing fucking armor. Besides the sniper chickm god bless her.

"Even worse, the perpetrators of these sexist acts face no punishment. "

The dude got his face smashed for grabbing the ass. By a woman.

The comments are even better, if you dare to say its not a big deal you get instabanned.

I thoght people are joking about this shit, but nope, they are actually retarded. Never change Japan, trigger this human waste 24/7
Me: "Oh boy, I can't wait to play Soul Calibur 6"
*Geralt announced as a guest
Me: "Okay, fuck this then, im sick of witcher"
*2B announced as guest


If only witcher wasnt on the fucking box cover id be buying it today...
Yes, if he was just in game I can ignore him. But he's on a fucking cover and I dont want this cancer on my shelves :(

Praying for reedition with different covers now.
Diablo 4 is announced and is a mobile version of Diablo 3
Decided the same since Diablo 3. Not salty over the mobile Diablo at all, I expected nothing and got nothing.
I couldn't care less if another Diablo comes out, on whatever system. Everything Blizzard puts out looks like WoW, and is geared towards a different kind of gamer than me. Diablo 3 was a pay to win mess with no character building, and I disliked it immediately and never went back. Starcraft 2 is decent, but that's because they were actually faithful to the original which was shocking. I expected them to bastardize it and make it just like Warcraft 3, so good on them for doing at least one franchise justice.

At first I didn't get why people were so pissed about Diablo Immortal. I get that it's a generic fucking game that was outsourced, but I just saw it as a spinoff that can be ignored. Then I heard that Blizzard made a really big deal about a new Diablo announcement and gamers were flying in from around the world to be there, expecting Diablo 4. They were fucking pissed when they realized it was just a casual mobile game that could have been announced on IGN.

That's like if Bioware said "We have a huge Mass Effect announcement at E3 that you won't want to miss!", and then they just unveil a Mass Effect keyboard decal. People would be throwing their omni-tools at the devs.
Starcraft 2 is a piece of shit gameplay wise. Plus, they royally fucked the SC:BW scene. In 5 years Starcraft went from the biggest esport to a niche, almost non-existent one. It is also telling that to this day more people attend and watch BW tournaments than SC2 ones.
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