The GMD Social Hobby Thread

I've finally been checking out Stick of Truth lately since I heard tell of a sequel. It's pretty neat, basically a south park paper Mario imo which is fucking wonderful. Funny stuff as expected.

My only complaint so far is that weapons and armor don't seem to be very class focused, like as a mage I should get advantages from wearing a wizard hat vs legit armored hat but so far there isn't any. Again, not a hefty game. Still worth playing.
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Anyone here play Go? I used to play some back in college, just started watching some YouTube vids on it a couple weeks ago. Think I'll order me a board and stones and try to get some friends playing maybe...
I think Go is an amazingly elegant game in its simplicity of mechanics/presentation concomitant with incredible complexity and depth of play. But I have never actually felt the pull to play it. I actually prefer, at this point, an element of chance injected, preferably something like 15-25%ish. Otherwise it's simply more a deduction battle/waiting for your opponent to make a mental error.
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I think Go is an amazingly elegant game in its simplicity of mechanics/presentation concomitant with incredible complexity and depth of play. But I have never actually felt the pull to play it. I actually prefer, at this point, an element of chance injected, preferably something like 15-25%ish. Otherwise it's simply more a deduction battle/waiting for your opponent to make a mental error.

True, once you get past a certain level you either quit or it has to become a discipline, almost a lifestyle. It definitely couldnt be my only game though. I love Texas Holdem and board games like Race/Roll For The Galaxy, Dominion, etc. too much to be so dedicated to go. Go is fun to study though and watch games/instruction on when you can't have a face to face board game session.
We have a shit ton of fish and a bearded dragon, and I gotta say... brumation is one of the most nerve wracking times in a bearded dragon owner's care routine. Basically hibernates for like four months and appears dead. It's worrisome, I've had a lot of reptiles in the past including desert lizards but nothing that hibernated. This is the first year she's done it.

Also my mom got an axolotl on a whim today and I'm really jealous. Cool animals.
I spend a lot of time writing black metal. Of course, none of it comes out like I intend it to. I'm going for something in the realm of Horna and Moonblood, with a folkish touch. Either it comes out as pure folk, or it lacks a folkish feel.

I play some video games, primarily Black Ops III zombies.

I am really passionate about good food. There's this fucking great pizza place where I live. They import all of their ingredients from Italy, and cook their pizzas in a brick oven. It's possible to get four pizzas there for 90 dollars, and they awesome gourmet pizzas. Best fucking food I've had.

Over the past year, I've been lifting weights a lot. Being very short, I feel that I'm obligated to be as big as possible.

I am very interested in European culture, religion, linguistics etc. Guns are cool too.
Just discovered this channel yesterday. Good fun! Posting this video because Beth is simply gorgeous.

The prior episode is good too, I might buy this game to get a co-op on my shelf...

Been getting more 40k shit painted and whatnot. Been mostly focusing on Deathwatch lately. God I love the "swiss army knife" nature of this force. However, due to the pts cost per model it doesn't seem even remotely worth it in an open field. Definitely a hyperurban force or you need to spend the additional points on drop pods n shit. So excited about the new kill team (SW:A) and new edition coming out. I wish I had been able to get into this hobby sooner but oh well. Good times are coming if time ever allows!
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Still painting. Ordering some bits to kitbash some Arbites. Going to put some Skitarii Vanguard heads on some guard torsos and Tempestus legs with scout shotguns and bolters. Have em riding in a Taurox. Basically intend to use Tempestus rules with weapon specific rules where applicable.
I've started whittling.

I'm going to make some chess pieces then soak them in whisky then suck on their tiny heads like a god.
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Just bought a pair of stormwolf models online, very first pieces I've purchased so far for my Space Wolves successor chapter "Hounds of Russ."

Pretty keen for them to arrive so I can start kitbashing and conversions, then paint!
I'm renaming the stormwolfs, "stormhounds."

Colour scheme for the chapter so far I'm thinking will be; red, gold and green.