The great and all powerful religion thread!

You just believe it's false cause that's what your heart wants you to say.

that works both ways buddy. maybe you believe there is a god because thats what your heart wants you to say.

NEITHER side has done a good job proving that god does or does not exist. hence why i am agnostic.

and if a god really does exist, then i certainly dont want to be associated with people who bastardized his word to control/kill/enslave MILLIONS of people. and hopefully he will look down on me and say "good job roach. the real temptation was joining these cults ignorantly started in my name. you pass, now come to heaven and eternally rock out to gorgoroth and carpathian forest. hails my metal brother!"

i'll live my life knowing what i do is right. i certainly dont need anyone else to tell me what is right or not. i'm a pretty smart guy, and i can figure that out for myself
I wonder what "clicks" in some people to make them believe in God. It's most definitely NOT just upbringing, as many people were raised religious, yet don't believe, whereas others were raised non-religious, but became religious later in life (incidentally, these are often the most fanatic about their beliefs).
Why do you believe in this divine energy?

Well for a couple of reasons I guess. For one, I feel that as human beings we are inherently inadequate at attempting to explain such large questions as where exactly everything came from. The best we can come up with is the universe was created from nothing one day and has been expanding ever since. This does not make any sense what so ever from the perspective of our sciences (you must use something to create or make something else). Another and probably stronger reason is that I feel some connectivity with other people and living things that goes beyond the mere physicality of day to day existence. It's difficult for me to explain in words what this energy actually is because I don't know myself fully. I just 'feel' its existence, for lack of a better term.

That probably created more questions than it answered. Meh.
Don't have it, a friend told me, it was very recent to. The archeologists have digged it up and it's predated about a thousand years after Jesus's death.
If archeologists "dugged" up the Koran, would you believe that to be true?

NEITHER side has done a good job proving that god does or does not exist. hence why i am agnostic.
Do you need everything to be disproven before you don't believe in it? People can't disprove UFOs, Bigfoot, Santa, Fairies, the Loch Ness Monster, etc. yet I hope you don't believe ion those. Instead of looking for proof why God doesn't exist, look for the proof of why he does. Since there is no evidence to support his existence, his existence is so improbable that there is no reason to believe in him.

Another example to try to illustrate my point. Say I told you I had an invisible, intangible third arm sticking our from my chest. Obviously I am wrong but there is no way for you to prove I am wrong. However, since there is no evidence of the alleged third arm, you don't believe in it.
Well for a couple of reasons I guess. For one, I feel that as human beings we are inherently inadequate at attempting to explain such large questions as where exactly everything came from. The best we can come up with is the universe was created from nothing one day and has been expanding ever since. This does not make any sense what so ever from the perspective of our sciences (you must use something to create or make something else). Another and probably stronger reason is that I feel some connectivity with other people and living things that goes beyond the mere physicality of day to day existence. It's difficult for me to explain in words what this energy actually is because I don't know myself fully. I just 'feel' its existence, for lack of a better term.

That probably created more questions than it answered. Meh.
Well I can't argue against you feeling something, I just don't think it is a divine energy. I do not feel humans are inadequate to discover the origins of the Universe, I just don't think our sciences have advanced that far yet. In the time of Ancient Greece, they had no idea what the sun was, so they thought it was a god. That didn't make them right. It is a logical fallacy to say "A is a false or insufficient answer, therefore B must be true". We may not know exactly what happened with the big bang, but that only means that we do not know, not that something divine happened.

Also you say that "you must use something to create or make something else". Who/what created this divine energy? If it has the capacity to always have existed why then could the universe not always have existed?
Blue Jay, for the love of god get yourself a library card and use it. And stop blindly believing everything your friends or church pals tell you. Being religious is one thing, but come on dude you need to develop atleast some semblance of ability for critical thinking.

Also you say that "you must use something to create or make something else". Who/what created this divine energy? If it has the capacity to always have existed why then could the universe not always have existed?

Exactly. A divine creator does not sufficiently explain the existence of the universe, all it does is defer the question (where did this creator come from?)
Do you need everything to be disproven before you don't believe in it? People can't disprove UFOs, Bigfoot, Santa, Fairies, the Loch Ness Monster, etc. yet I hope you don't believe ion those. Instead of looking for proof why God doesn't exist, look for the proof of why he does. Since there is no evidence to support his existence, his existence is so improbable that there is no reason to believe in him.

Another example to try to illustrate my point. Say I told you I had an invisible, intangible third arm sticking our from my chest. Obviously I am wrong but there is no way for you to prove I am wrong. However, since there is no evidence of the alleged third arm, you don't believe in it.

i'm naturally open minded, yet skeptical. i'm really not searching for proof. but if one side happens to come across somthing that makes sense, i'll be interested. until then, i'll keep thinking religious people are weak minded for believing somthing they have no proof exists. or basically, i'm smart enough to realize that no one has all the answers.

and sure, its possible aliens exist. there are millions of planets out there. you dont think we're the only planet with the right balance of minerals and the right distance from the sun do you? maybe god decided one planet wasnt enough. maybe he has more ideas. or maybe he doesnt exist and the phenomenon of life happened other places. it happened here, so why not on a planet lightyears away?
There's a difference between believing that different life forms exist somewhere in the universe (which given the incomprehensibly vast scope of the universe is pretty much a statistical certainty) and believing they are actually flying around here on earth in flying saucers abducting cows from your ranch in Alabama.
Do you need everything to be disproven before you don't believe in it? People can't disprove UFOs, Bigfoot, Santa, Fairies, the Loch Ness Monster, etc. yet I hope you don't believe ion those. Instead of looking for proof why God doesn't exist, look for the proof of why he does. Since there is no evidence to support his existence, his existence is so improbable that there is no reason to believe in him.

Pascal's wager would have sometihng to say about that. Of course, it's not without it's flaws, but it still provides some sort of logical reasoning to believe in God with basically no reliable evidence.
Don't have it, a friend told me, it was very recent to. The archeologists have digged it up and it's predated about a thousand years after Jesus's death.

Dark Funeral sucks and they're singing about Satan. God made them suck it's so obvious like wow.

And the Jeuss humping Mary thing is a big stupid lie, nice try dumbass.

Wtf. I don't even know what content means but if the bible matches word for word who cares.

Never read the Dead Sea Scroll so far on the bible. Only read through the books of Moses and Matthew so far @ Chapter 9 of Mark right now. Only had the bible for a lil while been reading it every day.

The bibles wasn't found during 125AD.


:lol: :lol: :lol:

You just believe it's false cause that's what your heart wants you to say.

The bible is edited just to make the book more clearer, also, the general idea about the book is still pretty much the same.

IT'S LIKE HE'S FUCKING FIVE!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I feel the opposite. Freedom of thought is pretty high on my lisdt of cool things.
So, for example, you'd live in a corrupt/violent/ruthless society with freedom of thought over a religious utopia?

Pascal's wager would have sometihng to say about that. Of course, it's not without it's flaws, but it still provides some sort of logical reasoning to believe in God with basically no reliable evidence.
Pascal was a pussy, this is a well documented fact. And God doesn't let pussies into heaven.
Pascal's wager would have sometihng to say about that. Of course, it's not without it's flaws, but it still provides some sort of logical reasoning to believe in God with basically no reliable evidence.

And that's where it fails... "logical reasoning". The way Christianity is set up it's about faith, not putting your money (or in this case belief) on the right pony. If christianity turns out to be correct, and we end up being judged for our lives, I doubt anyone playing that gambit would make it into heaven.
Pascal's wager would have sometihng to say about that. Of course, it's not without it's flaws, but it still provides some sort of logical reasoning to believe in God with basically no reliable evidence.

Saying that Pascal's wager is "not without its flaws" is a bit of an understatement.
Well for a couple of reasons I guess. For one, I feel that as human beings we are inherently inadequate at attempting to explain such large questions as where exactly everything came from. The best we can come up with is the universe was created from nothing one day and has been expanding ever since. This does not make any sense what so ever from the perspective of our sciences (you must use something to create or make something else). Another and probably stronger reason is that I feel some connectivity with other people and living things that goes beyond the mere physicality of day to day existence. It's difficult for me to explain in words what this energy actually is because I don't know myself fully. I just 'feel' its existence, for lack of a better term.

That probably created more questions than it answered. Meh.

If you haven't seen it you might enjoy the movie: "What The (bleep) Do We Know" Some good stuff in there that might help you flesh out your belief system.
There's a difference between believing that different life forms exist somewhere in the universe (which given the incomprehensibly vast scope of the universe is pretty much a statistical certainty) and believing they are actually flying around here on earth in flying saucers abducting cows from your ranch in Alabama.

ok, i can accept that. but i wouldnt entirely discount the chance of aliens flying around to different planets, including ours. i mean, man has gotten into space, whose to say another planet might be ahead of us in technology? maybe god gave them the gift of space travel :lol:
So, for example, you'd live in a corrupt/violent/ruthless society with freedom of thought over a religious utopia?

Yes. i would rather live in a ruthless free thinking world than a peaceful brainwashed one.

This is the same argument as to whether you would rather be ignorant and happy or Wise/knowing and unhappy.