The great and all powerful religion thread!

Blue Jay, you listen to Burzum, and the man is serving jail time for burning down churches and murder.

Last time I checked, actions spoke louder then words. You're fucking retarded.

PS. I'm listening to Dark Funeral Again.:rock: :rock:
If you haven't seen it you might enjoy the movie: "What The (bleep) Do We Know" Some good stuff in there that might help you flesh out your belief system.
The bible is a science textbook compared to that movie. :lol:

Yes. i would rather live in a ruthless free thinking world than a peaceful brainwashed one.

This is the same argument as to whether you would rather be ignorant and happy or Wise/knowing and unhappy.
I don't know, I'd probably take world peace. Freedom of thought is overrated.
I'm glad I didn't suggest it to you then.
Hey, if we're bible bashing it's only fair to laugh when someone suggests an even more ridiculous work of fiction.

You might want to read Huxley's "Brave New World" sounds like you'd enjoy living there.
I'm not sure how you equate a hypothetical peaceful religious society with an areligious hedonistic dystopia.
Hey, if we're bible bashing it's only fair to laugh when someone suggests an even more ridiculous work of fiction.
Hmmm, I don't remember doing any bible bashing, but I was suggesting the film to someone that showed an interest in the subject matter. I guess you can think that's funny if that makes you feel better.

I'm not sure how you equate a hypothetical peaceful religious society with an areligious hedonistic dystopia.
Then you haven't read the book or you didn't understand it. Both what you suggested and the society in the book are about the population being "happy" and "not thinking for themselves".
Then you haven't read the book or you didn't understand it. Both what you suggested and the society in the book are about the population being "happy" and "not thinking for themselves".
So are you suggesting religion and world peace lead to the aforementioned areligious hedonistic dystopia? Free of family and culture? I would suggest that perhaps you don't have much of an imagination, but given your recent film recommendation that surely isn't the case.
So are you suggesting religion and world peace lead to the aforementioned areligious hedonistic dystopia? Free of family and culture?

No, but nice strawman. The comparison isn't a huge stretch. The book was about a society were everyone was "happy" and they didn't think for themselves. You're advocating a world were everyone would be "happy" because they won't think for themselves. Either you're really not smart enough to comprehend the comparison or you're being willfully ignorant.

I would suggest that perhaps you don't have much of an imagination, but given your recent film recommendation that surely isn't the case.
I didn't say I liked or agreed with the film. I suggested the film because it was, IMO, a good match for what someone else said they believed. You think you're nailing me on something you think is stupid? Not even close. Just because I tell someone they might enjoy or should check out a particular book or film doesn't mean I agree with or endorse the content. I know, it's a tough concept to grasp.

Like a LOT of people that post here you can't seem to imagine anyone means anything except what you've already decided they mean. That must make the world a really frustrating place.
I am not into religion. I do not care what someones beliefs are anymore aslong as they do not push it on people and besides this there is nothing more lame than people pushing religion on people who are not the same religion. I was not born a christian for example and do not appreciate it.
I have to admit, I get a kick out of debating with religious people, even though I don't do it that often. It's so easy to win the arguments, and I kinda feel like I'm doing the world a service. In general, though, I avoid starting religious arguments, because I don't want to seem like an asshole.