I agree with the above also.
TheInsane: is this the kind of stuff they teach you in Swedish univerisities...? wtf? What if this world isn't real? That takes more faith to believe than Christianity, and it's possibly even more irrational somehow.
Yes and no on what swedish universities teach.
See I made a huge difference between two concepts of the world as an illusion. One is what modern sub-atomic physics tell us. That is there are no atoms. Atoms as in the original meaning (atom = smallest building block of materia) not what is actually refered to as an atom today (something consisting of other even smaller particles). Materia in itself is nothing - it has no core. It is however energy and remember Im not saying things dont exist. The stone outide your house do exist but what it is is illusotary (sp?). As merriam webster defines illusion "perception of something objectively existing in such a way as to cause misinterpretation of its actual nature". It exists but isnt what it seems to be. This is also what I believe.
This is pretty basic stuff today in modern physics so go and read up on it. Its very easy to obtain books about it. Im sure your local university has classes on this subject. This has been connected to eastern metaphysics by the likes of Fritiof Capra. Check out his "tao of physics" to learn more.
The second was a purely theoretical standpoint that the world may not exist objectively at all. This is not something I believe to be true but it can be important to have in mind. It raises the problem that whatever we think is real could quite possibly be unreal and maybe not exist objectively at all. This is why discussions can turn ugly when someone claims to have objective truth in regards to their religious ideas.