The great and all powerful religion thread!

A lot of Christians don't think clearly on the whole evolution thing. I am not saying I believe that a purely evolutionary process accounts for all life on Earth, but I understand it is the best natural explanation that exists and it is not just pulled out of some godless scientist's ass.
A lot of Christians don't think clearly on the whole evolution thing. I am not saying I believe that a purely evolutionary process accounts for all life on Earth, but I understand it is the best natural explanation that exists and it is not just pulled out of some godless scientists ass.

thank you
I tried debating about the bible with this fundamentalist on the debate team. When I would say the bible was edited over the years and you can't disprove Science he would argue back with bible verses and shit. Impossible.
I had RE at high school and the professor was a fucking religious fanatic. When I got bored of his shitting, I started asking questions about the points I knew he couldn't turn down, I even borrowed a book from the library about how fake the new testament is, and he couldn't answer a single question, he was just repeating the same things, and I kept going on and on and he got so fucking nervous that his voice became so unsure, he sounded as if he wasn't listening to me at all but was only repeating some verces for himself in order not to hear what I'm saying, his hands started shaking... It was funny, though.

And I'm an atheist. Kill religion
Nor am I, silly rabbit. I am equating jerkiness with jerkiness, and noting the possibility that it coincides with your conversion away from deism.

So you're saying that because I stopped worrying about what God thought me, I stopped caring about what other people thought of me?

Liar! Atheists don't believe in the devil.

I assumed you were smart enough to see my use of irony, and if so your post wasn't necessary.
Zeph - why did you lose your faith? I can understand losing faith in organized religion, but not why you lost all faith in a god.
Ah, this old thread. Still an atheist here. I'm taking a Sociology of Religion course this year. Learning a lot of really interesting things about the major sociological theories of religion and how it has evolved though history. Right now we are learning about early Christianity.

There were tons of debate in the first couple centuries AD that don't even come up today. For one there was the fact that Jesus said he would return before some of his apostles had tasted death. They had to rationalize that after the apostles all died. Then there was whether or not you could be saved from post-baptismal sin. They developed this whole thing where you had one get our of jail free card before you were screwed. So people had to gamble about when to be forgiven of their sins. Either they blew it to early and then sinned again or they waited to long and died/jesus came back. Interesting stuff.
Mathiäs;7863435 said:
Zeph - why did you lose your faith? I can understand losing faith in organized religion, but not why you lost all faith in a god.

My roommate is a skeptic and he worships Richard Dawkins. It didn't take long. I was only a Christian before because I had not yet thought seriously about the existence of God, just took it for granted. Then I did my own research and the scientific argument made so much more sense to me.

My favorite argument is the whole teleological watchmaker argument. If something is intentionally created, it must have itself been intentionally created. Infinite regress.
My roommate is a skeptic and he worships Richard Dawkins. It didn't take long. I was only a Christian before because I had not yet thought seriously about the existence of God, just took it for granted. Then I did my own research and the scientific argument made so much more sense to me.

You can still believe in both, and it sounds like you allowed yourself to be severely influenced by that guy
Mathiäs;7863760 said:
You can still believe in both, and it sounds like you allowed yourself to be severely influenced by that guy

my reason for being atheist/agnostic/what have you simply boils down to the fact that i do not find the arguments in favor of god's existence to be convincing enough to warrant faith. thus i am without belief. it's not impossible that god exists, its simply given what i currently understand i see no compelling reason to believe in the existence of a personal creator god. now the idea of an uncaused cause is still compelling.
It's impossible to have positive certainty that there isn't something supernatural about the universe, just because a logical approach to explaining how the universe exists ends up conflicting with the cause-effect concept that we use to explain virtually everything else in nature.