The great and all powerful religion thread!

Lewis is indeed a good writer. You should check out his novel Till We Have Faces. It's a retelling of the Cupid and Psyche myth, and it's far better than the Narnia books in my opinion.

Hadn't heard of that one. I'll check it out.

I have tried to read Lewis's Space Trilogy a couple of times, but never followed through. I have never been an avid or disciplined reader. Now that I am more genuinely interested in reading, I think I will read them.
@ Dakryn.
If he knows which one it was doesn't matter, the point is that God commands someone to sacrifice his son, even though he is stopped he still sacrifices an animal. And they have the guts to accuse King Diamond of promoting sacrifice. The Bible is full of this kind of barbaric behaviour which Christians otherwise love to criticize.
@ Dakryn.
If he knows which one it was doesn't matter, the point is that God commands someone to sacrifice his son, even though he is stopped he still sacrifices an animal. And they have the guts to accuse King Diamond of promoting sacrifice.

Pretty sure nowhere in that interview did anyone accuse King Diamond of promoting sacrifice, just watched it and found it interesting.

Wonder how King Diamond's fans felt about being told he basically doesnt give a shit about them since he hasn't met them. Nice attitude.
Is "sacrificing" an animal and then eating it (if you actually read the Bible, you find out the majority of the animal sacrifices were then food for the priests) any more "barbaric" than running hundreds of thousands of animals through slaughter houses to be later eaten?

King Diamond made himself look really dumb by quoting Crowley "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law." and then saying "DER ya gotta use common sense."

Crowley probably rolled over in his grave.
@ Savern
He means that no one can have feelings for someone they haven't met, how could one? That doesn't mean he wishes anyone anything bad does it.

@ Dakryn
Yes, sacrificing animals to a higher power is more barbaric than running hundreds of thousands of animals through slaughter houses to be later eaten. The later has a practical function; it's done to provide us with food.
Maybe he doesn't, but that is not the point. Satanism allows that if you want to do something, fuck everyone else, you can do what you want. That a really short-sighted, animalistic code.
King Diamond, as is true for most humans, clearly doesn't understand love. Love is not a feeling, though there are feelings of love. Love is a decision and an action. You can demonstrate love for people you have never met.

One thing that seems obviously contradictory is that those kids say they are not scared of being Satanists because they won't take it too far. If it is a positive thing, then what is the danger of immersing yourself into it? If it is a negative thing that one can play with, why isn't that plainly said? If it is a potentially dangerous thing, then how do they know that they can know when to stop? King diamond didn't clear that up at all, either.
Maybe he doesn't, but that is not the point. Satanism allows that if you want to do something, fuck everyone else, you can do what you want. That a really short-sighted, animalistic code.

Yeah well i have never said i agree with Crowley or that i'm a Satanist, i agree that it's short sighted. The point though is how endlessly contradictive Christianity is, which King brought up but was unanswered.
What Dakryn and Achrisk said.

Lemme guess, you're a generic Christian with no idea what the fuck you're talking about and I should just hate you and disregard your opinion on everything theological, philosophical or anything really serious at all.
Yeah well i have never said i agree with Crowley or that i'm a Satanist, i agree that it's short sighted. The point though is how endlessly contradictive Christianity is, which King brought up but was unanswered.

I won't disagree that there are definitely contradictions in interpretation/translation in Christianity/the Bible, however KD didn't really point any of them out, while making plenty himself.
"Well" in relation to what? What is the standard? How do you know if your good outweighs your bad? How do you know that that has anything to do with anything?

Well as in making the world around me a better place, if even for just a small bit. Well, as in doing my part in contributing to society. Well, as in not impeding those around me from achieving happiness.

If I lead a productive, helpful, and kind existence, that should be enough for any benevolent deity. If that's not enough according to your beliefs... if I have to believe in something I was clearly given the power to contradict with my logic and reasoning in order to receive the proverbial "salvation," then I'm not sure that's a religion I'm comfortable putting my faith in.
Lemme guess, you're a generic Christian with no idea what the fuck you're talking about and I should just hate you and disregard your opinion on everything theological, philosophical or anything really serious at all.

And you're a generic wanker who spends his life moderating an internet board and being a cunt to anyone who disagrees with him?

I agreed with what Achrisk and Dakryn said, but felt like i should reply since I'd had the question levied at me even though they both answered it for me.
We were given free will for a reason. That reason was not to become a sheep and believe something just because I was given minimal evidence and told I would be happier for for it.

This is not a knock on Christians, at all. If you believe in it, congratulations. I know what you'll say... it's faith. I don't have faith. I can't base my life decisions on something that is completely intangible and devoid of facts. I don't have that "feeling" that there's something more powerful. I'm not going to believe in something simply for the fact that someone said I would go to "Hell" if I didn't. I'm sure you would be told the same thing if you were to be confronted by a Hindu or a Muslim.