The great and all powerful religion thread!

But if you are your own definition then you can't be wrong. How convenient.

Are you proposing that you have to believe in god in order to live and productive and helpful lifestyle? I think we can all determine what defines these qualities in a person using common sense and logic.
What definition would you propose we judge this off of?
Right back at you, brother. ;)

Your statements to Savern are pretty full of fail. You don't know this person, and you should know better than to dismiss everything someone says based on a world view they may hold. You should also begin to recognize the automatic bad taste in your mouth every time any thing "Christianity" comes up. Why such a violent reaction? Why is it reserved so especially for Christianity? I know the answers you can cut and paste from your library of what everyone else says, but think about it.
I won't disagree that there are definitely contradictions in interpretation/translation in Christianity/the Bible, however KD didn't really point any of them out, while making plenty himself.

So it's just the interpretation of the Bible that is contradictive? It all has a true meaning which is correct once figured out?
I believe because I believe it is the truth, regardless of everything else.

And given the facts presented to me, I do not. Therefore, I will live my life in the best way possible, and when I die what will come, will come.

Also... what causes you to believe this is truth?
I don't mean this insultingly at all, by the way... I'm just curious as to what you point to as evidence, or whether it's blind faith or what. I'm curious to know, from a Christian who seems like a logical person, what causes you to believe in this idea that has seemingly no evidence outside of a book written 2000 years ago.
Other than opening up others to Christianity, the Christian definition on how to live a good life is nothing but a collection of common sense rules, that you should just follow toward your fellow human beings... out of respect, if nothing else.

Yes, Christian morals do just make sense in practical terms, towards a peaceful society. But Christianity is not just about morals.

Ok, then doesn't it strike you as odd that a manual for how to live your life is written like a cryptical puzzle you have to decode? What do you believe is the point of that? My theory is that it makes it very convenient for people to bend the purposes. I mean The Bible is obviously of such importance to a Christian, the single most important guideline for how to live your life, why is it so cryptical? A blueprint for a building isn't cryptical, it's detailed.
Translation errors are a primary reason for the it seeming like a cryptic code, tbh.

Language has changed over the last 2000 years, and it's been translated over and over again since the Christian religion's inception.
Ok, then doesn't it strike you as odd that a manual for how to live your life is written like a cryptical puzzle you have to decode? What do you believe is the point of that? My theory is that it makes it very convenient for people to bend the purposes. I mean The Bible is obviously of such importance to a Christian, the single most important guideline for how to live your life, why is it so cryptical? A blueprint for a building isn't cryptical, it's detailed.

Yes, I agree that it is not hard for people to bend the Bible in such a way as to try to control others. I actually think some of that may be on purpose. That doesn't mean it doesn't contain the truth. But if you read it, although there are things that are hard to understand, there is plenty that is rather straight-on. I think one can get the general message without too much trouble.
Did you get my question about why you believe this to be truth?

I don't have time to go into this right now, but I will say that I understand that there is no proof that can be pointed to, but I do believe there are many evidences that can be evaluated. But if you are really curious, C.S. Lewis lays out the basics, without getting into a lot of denominational stuff, in his book Mere Christianity.
I'm not asking about C.S. Lewis' opinion.. I'm asking your opinion.
And, I'm not insulting you, like I said... I'm sure you have your reasons, I'm just curious as to what they are. Maybe there are things from the other side of the argument that I'm missing.
I think there are a lot of stories in the bible that have been changed over the years. There are several sections that have most likely been omitted, and it doesn't help the attempt to determine the Bible's meaning. That's not to say it's not already written in somewhat of a code, it's just that much harder to determine.

Once the decision was made as to what texts would make up the bible, it remained the same. Translations are made from the original languages (Greek, Hebrew, Aramaic) into other languages. The King James is a very old translation, but there are more moderns ones which are also directly translated from the original. The processes used to verify that the texts used to translate from match the original texts are very rigorous and their level of accuracy far surpasses most ancient texts that we have today.
What i'm amazed by is how if you as a Christian can find a single contradiction in The Bible, still can believe it's something you can use as a guideline. If i'm in first grade and get a mathbook where the first side says "1+1=3" i'm not going to keep using that book for my studies since the authors obviously made fools out of themselves.
I'm not asking about C.S. Lewis' opinion.. I'm asking your opinion.
And, I'm not insulting you, like I said... I'm sure you have your reasons, I'm just curious as to what they are. Maybe there are things from the other side of the argument that I'm missing.

I am happy to give some info, and I know you're not being antagonistic, I just don't have a lot of time right now. I will try to revisit this. But much about the basics of Christianity are agreed upon, which is why I recommended that book. Obviously there are additional experiential things that can add to one's faith, which I assume is part of what your asking for.