Translation errors are a primary reason for the it seeming like a cryptic code, tbh.
Language has changed over the last 2000 years, and it's been translated over and over again since the Christian religion's inception.
I actually agree with this to some extent. One problem when translating something from it's original language, especially going from Hebrew (which is action based) to Greek/Latin/English which are abstract based, is that you lose meaning as there will be things that just don't translate over well.
A second problem is that when a translator comes to something that doesn't translate directly, it is nearly impossible for some bias not to enter into the final arrangement.
Then on top of these potential losses for original meaning, you have forced interpretation issues by people trying to twist the Bible to meet their own aims, and the avg 21st centuries person lack of knowledge on life during those historical periods, which can also help with a correct interpretation.
This doesn't even go into the fact that there are more than likely some books not in the Bible that should be and some that are in there that shouldn't be.
Just to throw this out there, heaven and hell are two of the most misunderstood concepts in the Bible, even by Christians. No one is going to heaven or hell forever. The way those concepts are understood by the majority are of pagan origin.