I initially got into Christianity mostly for emotional issues, i.e. it felt right or made moral sense out of the world. As my thought processes matured I found I needed to justify my 'fantastic' beliefs with some kind of evidence or at least compelling reasons beyond 'oh it seems right to me'. Initially Christian apologists were convincing. As I learned more about science, life and other religions I found these apologists to be generally unconvincing and shallow. In fact I found them only to be convincing to people who were uninformed about things and already with an emotional commitment to their religion that they were trying to defend in the face of some problems.
I have never been a big reader, though I have read the Bible through a couple of times, plus a bunch more. Right now (finally, and partly because of this board) I am at a place where I am questioning much more and reading more and searching things out that I don't feel I have a grasp on. You all bring up good points, and I am growing in my desire to have these and other questions answered for myself. But I also approach God as a being beyond comprehension and the things he does being mostly beyond comprehension. I believe the Bible has been given and preserved with enough information for us Earthlings to find our way, but even some of what is in there I believe will remain a mystery.