Houses Ov Mercury
It is just one thing, the denial of any kind of god.
If you take it at some extreme face value, yeah.
It is just one thing, the denial of any kind of god.
The thing is if we look up the word the modern definition isnt anything other than "the denial of god(s) or dieties". That is the modern definition.
Prove me wrong!
I think that denying the MAIN tenet of religion denies all sub-tenets intrinsically, but OK.
It's not like they've changed the definition to match common usage.
I just saw "Zeitgeist" last night!@!@!@! I thought it was great! I'm sure a lot of folks her have already seen it.![]()
Because the point is not having proof but believing anyways.
And no, no it's not rational, did anyone ever say it was? Religion is a completely emotional deal.
and you missed my point... people who believe in totally DIFFERENT relgions than yours use the same exact justification as you and yet you arrive at totally different conclusions. thus you need more than just the bare claim of "oh it feels right and makes me feel all squishy and warm inside" otherwise there is no reason to take it even remotely seriously. now do you honestly think it is even remotely moral to condemn the majority of the human race to eternal hell for not believing in something for which there is no reason nor any evidence to do so and when every other religion uses the exact same excuse for their beliefs? its not merely 'not-rational' its NONSENSE.
think of it this way... if a doctor proposed the hypothesis that AIDS was caused by pink invisible unicorns floating in our bloodstream and the scientific community asked him "well what is your evidence for this" and his answer was "oh well i just have faith, it feels right". would anyone take him seriously? OF COURSE NOT. yet why is it when people say shit like "my god is real and if you dont believe in him you are going to go hell and i know this because it just feels right, etc." why should anyone take them seriously?
I was brought up catholic, baptized, confirmed. I disgaree with the concept of God and religion.
1. I'm an atheist, I thought I made that clear.
2. Those "completely different conclusions" are 90% the same, differing only in details.
3. No one would take him seriously because he can be proven wrong.
Well science has proven for a long time now, that matter and energy are the same thing, and if you really want to simplify things down technically everything is just a bend in space time.
1. I was unaware.
2. No they aren't. Hinduism is vastly different than Christianity or Islam or Mormonism or whatever other religious groups may utilize the "I have faith so screw evidence" cop-out. There are some vast differences between these religions. If the differences were miniscule then why do the members of these religions fight so passionately against other views they consider false if they are basically all the same? Obviously they are not small differences to them.
3. Yes that's right... it was simply an example. This however can be true of most people's beliefs who say "I have faith, etc." They can often be proven wrong yet it doesn't phase their Faith-Forcefield.
lolz how are things in Oz?
Good, apart from the fact it is starting to heat up. No more winter for another year
I shall maybe be on MSN later!