The great and all powerful religion thread!

I'm an atheist. I believe it's possible that there are beings "greater" than us, but not in a deity-like sense. If these beings exist I don't think they'd care one way or another if we believed in them or worshipped them. Kinda like the relationship we have with the micoscopic creatures that live on our bodies.

LithiumLulu speaks truths! Her words are, for the most part, a fine representation of my beliefs. :)

I've questioned my catholic teachings ever since I was but eight years old, but had little reason to decide until I was twelve or so. However, philosophy did shape most of my views on religion. I have nihilism to thank especially for that... :muahaha:
Pastafarian right here.

The sun comes everyday. I can visually see it. It gives life to the world through heat, plant food and light, It goes away when I'm sick of it and it doesn't take my money or tell me what the fuck to do.

:lol: Carlin, ya' gotta love him
I've questioned my catholic teachings ever since I was but eight years old, but had little reason to decide until I was twelve or so.

I was also raised catholic. It breaks my mother's heart that I won't go to mass for any reason anymore.

I started questioning things pretty early because they just didn't make sense to me. Like, if God is all powerful, why have a flood? Why not just strike those people you want to get rid of out of existence? It seems to me looking back on it now that a lot of the stories in the bible are there to illustrate ideas and concepts and probably weren't meant to be taken literally. Also, there are too many gender inequity issues, is God supposed to not like girls as much as boys?

Overall, I think religion was a good thing for getting civilazation off the ground, but at this point I think we've outgrown it, and it may be doing more harm than good. OTOH, if it gives someone comfort I'd be the last person to want to take it away from them.
I'm atheist. I believe in physics. I've read extensively into the notion of intelligent design, quantum theory and the origins of the universe and feel quite assured in my logically based belief that there is no creator.

Even if there is some greater force shaping the universe, which as many of you have recognised is difficult to disprove, it's absurd to attriubute some human personality to it. As the saying goes 'Man created God in his image'.
I'm an atheist and have been since I was 16, but I've struggled at times with what ifs, and they still come up every so often, I believe the Bible is full of shit and is by no means perfect and the God of the Bible is not worthy of my worship even if he did exist, but I was raised Southern Baptist and have been going to church since I was a baby and I still go everyweek just because my Dad makes me, I've gotten over things like Jesus and the dogmatic Bible doctrine, the only thing that gets me is having an irrational fear of Hell at times over things like miracles like for example lately, I was having a what-if over a Virgin Mary sighting occuring and I just couldn't let it go away for fear of "what if you're just ignoring the inevitable truth" and I still am an atheist, I just still have my Christian background embedded in my head, I wish I was never raised Christian. One thing lately os me realizing religion is culture-based and why should I be worried about some Middle Eastern God that is no different than the Euro Pagan gods. Really, the only thing still bothering me is that irrational fear of Hell and the miracles thing that gets to me from time to time, I wish I could get it all out of the way so I could be comfortable with my own death instead of worrying about it if I'm about to die. Maybe wriitng some Anti-Christian black metal lyrics tonight could help, I have no problem blaspheming God or Jesus though. :lol:
I'm an atheist because I want to be different from everyone around here. If I lived in an all atheist area I would be a devout fundamentalist.
I'm agnostic. I believe that there is the possibility of there being a god, as well as the possibility that there isn't, but I have seen no evidence that any idea is proven. I don't have the faith to truly be a religious person, yet I don't have the trust in modern day science to be sure that evolution and the big bang and such are truly proven.

That's pretty much how I feel. I want to believe there is a such thing as God, that we exist for a reason, but it's hard to believe in such things these days.

Atheism pisses me off. I have no idea why, since I'm not religious, but for some reason, when someone points out that they are an atheist, it tends to irk me. Maybe because people so often point out that they are an atheist with the same sense of pride and superiority as people who advertise that they're Christians. It doesn't bother me so much when religious people do the same, because I just tune it out.
bluewizard, i beleive that a fear of Hell is what keeps many people going to church and 'believing'. I personally know a few people, for who I beleive that is true.
I have a friend that used to get so pissed in school when we would learn about evolution. It was amusing and frustrating at the same time.