I edited my post up above. I think it raises a good point. This Bible debate is like Trekkies arguing why the Cardassians sided with the Dominion (those bastards
). Interesting but obviously fiction.

So AchrisK, is the debate over?
Best character in the series. But this is offtopic, and there will be no OT discussion on this thread.The Cardassians sided with the Dominion because Gul dukat is power hungry and wanted to destroy Sisko.
Best character in the series. But this is offtopic, and there will be no OT discussion on this thread.
God hath decreed it.
P.S. Ender start up a Star Trek thread.
Actually no. This is a misconception that most protestants have because they interpret the bible in a historical vacuum. Priests are merely Presbyters (which the bible mentions 1 Tim. 4:14) and the Pope is merely the Bishop of Rome (an office also found in the Bible 1 Tim. 3:1). A bishop is of course a head or chief presbyter. So even though the power and roles of these offices have expanded greatly from their early Christian beginnings they do in fact have a basis in the bible and hence are not "inventions" of some later Catholic institution.
if god exists, and he created everyone in his divine image, then why does shit stink?
that doesnt explain why god made it that way. it could smell like apple pie or somthing
proof there is no god
So my assertion is still valid, that there is no one group, especially an organized religion, that has anything to gain (i.e. power, money and things like that) from the bible as it is written. Don't neglect those last four words, because everything else is irrelevant regarding this point.
This just speaks of motivation. Who would write or compile such a book?
Because stinking is subjective.
That doesn't stop people from condemning the Qu'ran, so why should the Bible be protected against being taken in a way that (that believe) it was not meant to be taken?
How do those little quotes prove that nobody has anything to gain from exploiting the bible as it is written, and what difference does it make whether or not people take advantage of it via their own interpretations? That doesn't stop people from condemning the Qu'ran, so why should the Bible be protected against being taken in a way that (that believe) it was not meant to be taken?
Oh, and of course anti-gay groups aren't taking the Bible out of context when they say that it is against the will of God to "lay down with another man." That is the Bible as it is written, no? A group taking advantage of the Bible?