Changed lives are evidence. Not proof, but evidence to be evaluated. There are tons of examples of people's lives changing radically, and for the better, after becoming a Christian. Some in my own life. Yeah, I know there are tons of other people who also make changes by will power and through other religions. But I have heard of more and more profound changes coming as a result of Christianity.
This argument is pretty useless unless you've got some kind of statistics on "changed lives due to Christianity vs. other belief systems". Obviously you're more interested in the positive changes that result from Christianity, since you seem to think there are 'more and more' of them without knowing any actual numbers.
Thanks for all the specific references to contradictions.
As you may have (not) noticed, I was poking fun at you for your own lack of evidence for your claim that the Bible has been proven to be accurate. This kind of debate tends to take fucking forever, so I'm not particularly interested in it. If you need a list of Biblical contradictions, though,
here you go. Feel free to find me a similar list of 'Biblical accuracies', if you can.
No. Nobody has anything to gain except individuals. The Jewish history is full of embarassing failures of the Jewish people. The New Testament does not give much power at all to organized religion. Popes and priests are made up by the Catholic religion. The bible says to separate yourselves from people who try to use the gospel as a means of gain. If you knew what it actually said, you would know that there is no one group, especially an organized religion, that has anything to gain (i.e. power, money and things like that) from the bible as it is written.
Just because the Bible says not to use it as a means of gain doesn't mean that it isn't used that way. Christianity has been used to justify a wide variety of injustices over the years, including crusades, inquisitions, theocracies, witch-hunts, homophobia and racism. That's what happens when a movement is started that pronounces all of its claims absolute truth, and those who disagree with it evil sinners. If you think it's not used as an instrument of power, then you don't know your history very well.
No it isn't. Read it. It just summarizes some of what the Bible says. The fact that Christianity has explanations for many of life's questions lends some credibility. Especially when compared to other religions which don't.
My life is not full of problems as a result of not being Christian. You assume that Christianity can solve everyone's problems . Try addressing all of the problems it
causes, which I cited above, before telling me that Christianity is 'working wonders' in the lives of everyone it touches. And the Bible does not have a monopoly on 'ageless wisdom'. Anyone with a sufficient amount of common sense can live a perfectly respectable, moral, and safe life without reading the Bible.
Also, you keep assuming that Christianity is superior to other religions without giving any specifics. How much do you actually know about other religions? least I am saying that I do. There are books where evidence is given, and some external texts are cited. Again since we can't be there, and it goes against nature (read miracle) you have to go with what you have. The "evidence" is compelling. If you really want to look into it, I may be able to recommend a book.
I'd rather you find a webpage that explains it. I imagine that whatever you're trying to argue is explained in a concise form on the Internet. At present, however, you are making a wild, unscientific claim with no evidence, so I have no interest in this right now.
Well, I posted this then, but probably would not have if I were writing that now. I understand that "if not A then B" holds no weight. But the truth is that the origin of life, and possibly moreso of matter is so mind boggling that any explanation seems impossible. This makes the existence of God more plausable. Another small piece of potential evidence.
No. That is known as the
argument from ignorance. This is the same argument used by the
major proponents of intelligent design, by the way, in case you're interested.
So, what is the evidence against?
I have a feeling that Cookiecutter and Cairath already have this covered (along with everything else I've just typed in this post, probably), so here are a few links to start you off if you're really interested in some anti-Christiany evidence.
I suggest you worry about actually defending the claims you've already made first, as you've been doing a pretty bad job of that so far.