^Do you think all those Virgin Mary sightings are just people hallucinating?
I don't really think I could ever go back to Christianity, I mean sure there's all these miracles that people say that cant be disproved by science(people claiming to have seen angels, demons, Virign Mary, etc..) but to me the Bible itself just doesnt equal out to those claims, it seems a lot more like mythology and that something is "wrong" with the people who claim these sightings. By Biblical standards Jesus isn
t the Messiah anyways from what I've read in the Old Testament prophecies. I guess I should probbaly stop considering people's supernatural sightings about whether theyre true or not and just go on with my life not worrying about the end of it, I've actually met someone who's claimed these sightings, one of my professors claimed to have seen demons and angels and said "God isnt happy with the human existence right now", but there's really no reaosn I should worry over people's claims or even consider people's suypernatural claims being true, it just doesnt equal out to me.
I don't really think I could ever go back to Christianity, I mean sure there's all these miracles that people say that cant be disproved by science(people claiming to have seen angels, demons, Virign Mary, etc..) but to me the Bible itself just doesnt equal out to those claims, it seems a lot more like mythology and that something is "wrong" with the people who claim these sightings. By Biblical standards Jesus isn
t the Messiah anyways from what I've read in the Old Testament prophecies. I guess I should probbaly stop considering people's supernatural sightings about whether theyre true or not and just go on with my life not worrying about the end of it, I've actually met someone who's claimed these sightings, one of my professors claimed to have seen demons and angels and said "God isnt happy with the human existence right now", but there's really no reaosn I should worry over people's claims or even consider people's suypernatural claims being true, it just doesnt equal out to me.