The great and all powerful religion thread!

Then how come all people see Mary rather than Odin in their kebabs?

because Christianity is more widespread than Odinism. that doesn't mean Odinism is dying, rather it exists in small pockets around the world, and will probably continue to until the end of time. I mean, nobody sees Buddha in their kebabs, so by your logic, buddhism must be dying too. to use a music analogy, Christianity is like pop/rock, whereas Odinism is like extreme metal. not as widespread, but still growing at a steady pace.
Odinism is still growing? I'm pretty sure it's the other way around, Jofa. And Buddhism isn't a religion.

oh calling me "Jofa". I see where this argument is headed. can't have a decent discussion without acting childish. good day sir, I am done. have fun being on ignore.
EDIT: I'm sorry, doesn't everyone call you Jofa? I thought that was like an affectionate nickname or something... Either way, relax, man! This isn't personal.

@cookie's psot: Exactly. Divinity has nothing to do with it. Rather, as cookiecutter pointed out, it's purely psychological.
oh I get his point, its old "Atheism/Agnosticism is right, everything else is wrong" argument.
oh I get his point, its old "Atheism/Agnosticism is right, everything else is wrong" argument.

Isn't the point of ANY belief system that "[insert beliefs here] is right, everything else is wrong"? There would be no point in believing in something if it wasn't. Atheism and agnosticism are pretty open-ended, too, because their only specific belief is that there is no God/God cannot be known.
Isn't the point of ANY belief system that "[insert beliefs here] is right, everything else is wrong"? There would be no point in believing in something if it wasn't. Atheism and agnosticism are pretty open-ended, too, because their only specific belief is that there is no God/God cannot be known.

no, I actually accept other religions. I just choose to follow Odinism. everyone is entitled to their beliefs. I don't belittle someone because of their choice of religion. even Islam (although they have a knack for doing just that, which pisses me off to no end).
no, I actually accept other religions. I just choose to follow Odinism. everyone is entitled to their beliefs. I don't belittle someone because of their choice of religion. even Islam (although they have a knack for doing just that, which pisses me off to no end).

It's okay to accept other religions; it's called tolerance. But what I'm saying is that people choose religions and paradigms because they believe them to be right. I, too, accept other religions, but that doesn't mean I believe what they say.

Besides, you just belittled Islam in your post.
It's okay to accept other religions; it's called tolerance. But what I'm saying is that people choose religions and paradigms because they believe them to be right. I, too, accept other religions, but that doesn't mean I believe what they say.

Besides, you just belittled Islam in your post.

I only believe in belittling a religion if its in self-defense. Islam has been attacking all forms of religion because they don't follow the "Almighty Allah" for a long time now, and we shouldn't take that crap.

"reality", as stated before, as in "being Agnostic" is NOT a be-all end-all solution. not even Agnostics know for sure what the meaning of life is. We will only know when we die.

edit: to me, my faith is more about improving my life, not whether I'm going to heaven or hell or if I'm going to reincarnate into a pink panther after I die. let nature take its course.
That's the entire fucking point of agnosticism.

I realize that, but still nobody truely knows. I follow paganism as a tribute to my ancestors and as a way of improving my life daily and becoming a better person. If I die and end up in the ground instead of going to Valhalla, then so be it.
I saw an advertisement for a Paganism club at my college. I'm highly considering joining it, as it is open to "not just pagans, but atheists and Christians too."