The great and all powerful religion thread!

An excerpt from the link I posted:

Indeed, not all stories of miracles can be true. There are such stories claiming to prove almost every religion there has ever been, and they cannot all be true. So why believe one set of stories rather than another? That would be arbitrary. The wise person will instead believe none of them. The Bible is not necessarily more reliable than any other religious book, and they cannot all be true since what they say is often quite incompatible.
OK. I do have on more question. As a Christian, how do you rationalize the "fact" that there were Jewish "miracles" and Pagan "miracles"?

The Jew religion led to the christain religion. Your statement shows me you dont know.

a)Jesus was a jew.
b)That you dont know very much about the christian religion.

So, therefor, any Jewish miracles only support Christain miracles. This is because the Old Testament is what the Jews call the Torah(I think).

I do not know very much on pagan religions. I would be happy for someone to send me some info on pagan miracles and I am saying this is has a genuine statement not only has something to prove my point.
Tell me if I am ignorant on this statement but these sightings and
miracles have been consistent for 2000 years. While I have not heard of any miracles or sightings in the name of Oden,Athena or any other pagan god.

which is a shame. damn christians!
That's because people aren't pagans anymore. Just like in a few centuries, your little religion will be considered mythology as well, and stupid people will experience miracles from a newer religion instead.
The Jew religion led to the christain religion. Your statement shows me you dont know.

a)Jesus was a jew.
b)That you dont know very much about the christian religion.

So, therefor, any Jewish miracles only support Christain miracles. This is because the Old Testament is what the Jews call the Torah(I think).

I do not know very much on pagan religions. I would be happy for someone to send me some info on pagan miracles and I am saying this is has a genuine statement not only has something to prove my point.
:lol: :lol: Way to utterly miss the point. There are plenty of Classical sources referencing divinities doing miraculous things, for example the Iliad.

Well, I have also read The Case For Faith and he seems to raise a lot of valid objections to the explanations given, and many of the answers make sense to me. Have you read any of his books?
I have not read them, so I will refrain from commenting on them further. I have not heard good things though.
That's because people aren't pagans anymore. Just like in a few centuries, your little religion will be considered mythology as well, and stupid people will experience miracles from a newer religion instead.

a lot of people consider Christianity mythology yet people still go to church. explain that!
Stop posting.

Pointless post. Explain your point don't simply stop because you have nothing to say back or think you are not good to respond back

That's because people aren't pagans anymore. Just like in a few centuries, your little religion will be considered mythology as well, and stupid people will experience miracles from a newer religion instead.

Good post at proving point.

I am going out to eat now I will respond back in a few hours.
Tell me if I am ignorant on this statement but these sightings and
miracles have been consistent for 2000 years. While I have not heard of any miracles or sightings in the name of Oden,Athena or any other pagan god.
You have not heard of any miracles of the pagan gods because you have failed to do any real research on the subject beyond going to church.
Regarding Lee Strobel books:

I have not read them, so I will refrain from commenting on them further. I have not heard good things though.

Well, of course you have heard bad things about them. The Christians will say good things, the Atheists will say bad things. That is true with anything that takes a side in this type of issue. It's amazing how many Christian/Atheist/Creationist/Evolutionist responses exist to books and even to responses to books.

It's always good to know what the enemy is thinking...
So, therefor, any Jewish miracles only support Christain miracles. This is because the Old Testament is what the Jews call the Torah(I think).

The Torah is the first five books of the Bible and an official Torah can only be in Hebrew. The Jews consider the modern Bible superfluous and irrelevant.

AchrisK said:
It's always good to know what the enemy is thinking...

See, this is what's wrong with Christianity and, indeed, most religions. They cut themselves off from the rest of the world and complain that they're persecuted but it's okay because God will save them. This is very juvenile behavior, the kind of bullshit you'd see on an elementary school playground.

I basically do not wish to place my faith in something whose major goal is to "convert all the heathens" instead of making the most out of your life. By looking up all the time, you are doing things only out of a desire to be eternally rewarded and your intentions are selfish and greedy. Why can't I do things merely because I want to.