Rabid Headbanger
New Metal Member
Even though I don't see them, I know how leprechauns work.
Little fuckers take my sandwiches when I turn my back.
Little fuckers take my sandwiches when I turn my back.
Faith in God, what I was obviously referring to, is completely different. There is no way to perceive God. There is no evidence that points to his existence. Faith is believing in him despite that lack of evidence.
No, lack of evidence. None has been presented in this thread or elsewhere. Again, if you can show me some that is not anecdotal, scripture or argument from consent, all of which is not evidence, I'll be happy to hear it.Not lack of evidence. Lack of proof.
EDIT: Rabid, I'm trying to have a reasonable discussion with the only person who cares enough to talk about this issue. Please do no insult him.
Motherfucker is really not a painful insult. Maybe if I called him cuntsleeve or a cum sucking jesus fucking bag of crap, that would be an insult.
Not that you care, but I would prefer you keep Jesus out of these insults. Say what you want about me.
Re-fucking-lax. I said I COULD call you that. Haven't yet.
Anyways. Continue arguing.
Re-fucking-lax. I said I COULD call you that. Haven't yet.
Anyways. Continue arguing.
I like these two from dictionary.com. If nothing else your definition 2 works. 1 is too vague.First you have to establish the definition of evidence, especially in a case where proof doesnt exist. We all agree that God cant be proven or disproven. So in this case, evidence is:
1. A thing or things helpful in forming a conclusion or judgment.
2. Something indicative; an outward sign.
The American Heritage®
Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition
Can we agree on this definition for this case? If not, then what definition should be used?
I like these two from dictionary.com. If nothing else your definition 2 works. 1 is too vague.
1. that which tends to prove or disprove something; ground for belief; proof.
2. something that makes plain or clear; an indication or sign: His flushed look was visible evidence of his fever.
Proof is gained through evidence. To be proven means to be shown existent by the evidence. God cannot be proven or disproven 100%. The evidence tells us however whether his existence or nonexistence is more probable. Since to evaluate a claim, you must begin at disbelief (note: not negative belief) the burden of proof is to provide enough of evidence of God's existence to make it a plausible hypothesis.
In short, evidence is something that can cumulatively pieced together to prove something fact or fiction.
In religion's case, there is no evidence. Thus proving the basis for argument over whether god exists or does not exist a moot point.
Whatever floats your boat hombre.
Well it's certainly an exercise in futility, but one I am enjoying. It has caused me to investigate what I believe more than I ever have in the past.
There is fulfilled predictive prophecy. Not just all those little ones that the Bible itself says were fulfilled. But more crazy stuff like predicting the date Jesus would enter Jerusalem, predicting a city that would be thrown into the sea, predicting a building that would be destroyed so that not one stone would be left on top of another, the old testament accounts of crucifixion. More stuff I need to read up on.