The great and all powerful religion thread!

Faith is believing in something without evidence. I do not think I have faith in anything in that sense.

But (I assume) you do have faith in things such as airplaines and elevators. You assume (and probably rightly so) that they were designed in such a way that they will work, but without understanding how, you see other people use them successfully and you use them. Maybe I am wrong and you study and understand the designs of everything you depend on. But most people go on faith.
There's actually evidence and a precedent that planes and elevators and such generally operate properly though. It's not blind faith.
There's actually evidence and a precedent that planes and elevators and such generally operate properly though. It's not blind faith.

True, but what if you didn't know how an elevator works. You have faith that the elevator works because you know it works, you just don't know what makes the elevator work or how the elevator works. Sorta like God, you know that he is there and that he works for us through the many signs and the many prayers that he has accepted by you alone (or group).
No you didn't, you spewed a bunch of nonsense. It is impossible for one to "know" beyond doubt that God exists. It is entirely possible to know how an elevator works.
It's nonsense because it is unfounded in reason and entirely unprovable, and that is not a basis of factual belief. This is why it is DIFFERENT to believe that God exists and the believe that an elevator will work.
It appears to be nonsense to you cause you refuse to believe in what I say, which is the truth. It is possible to know how God works by reading the bible.

To think that your finite mind can comprehend the infinite nature of divinity is a direct contradiction to all your beliefs, no matter what you believe divinity to be.
I do know that he is there, actually.

im only responding to BJ because i am curious as to why he's so sure god exists? what makes you positive that he's watching over all of us? im just curious as to your reasoning. but please stop arguing that God is truth. It can be truth to you, but you certainly don't have to press that upon everyone on this board. It's perfectly fine to have faith, it isnt fine to push it onto others.
I can't argue on any further.
Good. Stop trying.

But (I assume) you do have faith in things such as airplaines and elevators. You assume (and probably rightly so) that they were designed in such a way that they will work, but without understanding how, you see other people use them successfully and you use them. Maybe I am wrong and you study and understand the designs of everything you depend on. But most people go on faith.
I have evidence to not only believe that they exist, but also that they work as I expect them to. I see them, I touch them. If I wanted to I could find out the mechanical mechanisms behind it.

Faith in God, what I was obviously referring to, is completely different. There is no way to perceive God. There is no evidence that points to his existence. Faith is believing in him despite that lack of evidence.