There is the Bible itself. As written it is not a book that any group can gain a personal advantage with. Dont ignore the as written. It protects itself from misuse. This is not the characteristic of a man-made religious text. What I lack to drive this point further is knowledge of other religious texts
I have heard many claims that the Bible has a track record of historical and geographical accuracy, and has been cited as possibly the most accurate ancient text. I know this doesnt prove its claims, but if it can be trusted in things we can verify, it lends credibility to the possibility that it is accurate in other ways. But I need to look into this a lot more. You guys have said it has been shown inaccurate in these areas, so I need to look into that.
There is fulfilled predictive prophecy. Not just all those little ones that the Bible itself says were fulfilled. But more crazy stuff like predicting the date Jesus would enter Jerusalem, predicting a city that would be thrown into the sea, predicting a building that would be destroyed so that not one stone would be left on top of another, the old testament accounts of crucifixion. More stuff I need to read up on.
There is the continuity of the whole Bible with no major theological inconsistencies or contradictions. I need to read more on this. I especially need to read about how the modern Bible was put together.