The great and all powerful religion thread!

"Thor raised his hammer and hit Jesus upon the noggin. Yeah and did Jesus proclaim "WHAT THE FUCK!!?!! and unto him Thor answered "Whoops. Thought you were a jehovahs witness."

"And yea, then did thor travel across the great street, to the cafe. And he did order a coffee. Later he was joined by Buddha, who ordered a tea. And much was discussed"

The word of the lod.
There is the Bible itself. As written it is not a book that any group can gain a personal advantage with. Don’t ignore the “as written”. It protects itself from misuse. This is not the characteristic of a man-made religious text. What I lack to drive this point further is knowledge of other religious texts

I have heard many claims that the Bible has a track record of historical and geographical accuracy, and has been cited as possibly the most accurate ancient text. I know this doesn’t prove it’s claims, but if it can be trusted in things we can verify, it lends credibility to the possibility that it is accurate in other ways. But I need to look into this a lot more. You guys have said it has been shown inaccurate in these areas, so I need to look into that.

There is fulfilled predictive prophecy. Not just all those little ones that the Bible itself says were fulfilled. But more crazy stuff like predicting the date Jesus would enter Jerusalem, predicting a city that would be thrown into the sea, predicting a building that would be destroyed so that not one stone would be left on top of another, the old testament accounts of crucifixion. More stuff I need to read up on.

There is the continuity of the whole Bible with no major theological inconsistencies or contradictions. I need to read more on this. I especially need to read about how the modern Bible was put together.
Just curious, do you have any education regarding actual scholarly biblical study? Documentary hypothesis? J-E-D-P? The synoptic problem and the Q document? Any of this mean anything to you? Have you read any Ehrman?
Just curious, do you have any education regarding actual scholarly biblical study? Documentary hypothesis? J-E-D-P? The synoptic problem and the Q document? Any of this mean anything to you? Have you read any Ehrman?

No, to all questions. I have read the bible a few times and I have (obviously) heard many claims as to the things I cited. But I have only recently begun to really start looking into the things I mentioned above (in my own post). I am open to suggestions for reading. I am looking to understand the issues from an objective standpoint, and that doesn't really seem to exist much, so I intend to read contrasting points of view.
If you have the time and money I'd suggest taking an introductory course at your local university, see if they offer a night course on modern biblical interpretation, "exploring the bible" or whatever. I think if you are going to follow the bible you sould at least have a basic understanding of the motivations of the writers, the context they were written in, and the text selection process. You can read the bible a million times and not see the politics behind its composition and the influence of foreign elements (Gilgamesh, etc.).

Ehrman (Ph.D, M.Div.) is a leading expert on proto-orthodox Christianity, that is the formative years of Christianity and the composition of the bible as we know it today. Very easy to read, good overviews of related topics, I like The Lost Christianities: The Battles for Scripture and the Faiths We Never Knew.
forgive me for being a dumbass and asking random questions, but how the fuck did noah fit al 1071905105743219057 species into a boat made out of wood?

There was only a few species of animals back then in the time of Noah, check out the story, it'll say what animals existed back then in that time peroid. All other species came after the story.

the only part i ever read is revelations

I loved Revelations!!! Such a cool book!