The great and all powerful religion thread!

Then look it up because I'm not explaining it. My personal beliefs are often different as well, but I've already stated most of them in this thread I believe.
Mathiäs;6487757 said:
Then look it up because I'm not explaining it. My personal beliefs are often different as well, but I've already stated most of them in this thread I believe.

Ok cool, I looked em up. Atleast someone's going to heaven on this board other than AchirsK, Triton, Zephyrus, and I :p
Mathiäs;6487757 said:
Then look it up because I'm not explaining it. My personal beliefs are often different as well, but I've already stated most of them in this thread I believe.

You have? I don't recall seeing that, and I'm kinda curious. Got a link?
You have? I don't recall seeing that, and I'm kinda curious. Got a link?

I can't find my posts in here, so here's my view summed up:

God began evolution/the big bang/ etc. There was no creationism and God did not actually have the whole "and on the 5th day he created light" or whatever. The only things in the bible that can possibly be true are selected verses from the new testament (The cruxifiction, etc). It is conceivable to me that Jesus existed (and performed various miracles, the whole 'died to save mankind' scene, etc) , but also conceivable that he did not exist at all. To me the bible cannot be taken literally; it needs to be used a sort of guide or something.

Here's something else I believe but it's really hard for me to explain. In my eyes there cannot be one 'true' religion. The one God (Or gods, for all I know) represents all religions. For Christians, he is the one god with Jesus at his side and stuff. For orthodox greeks, the one god takes the form of several gods, etc. That just explains in my mind how there could not be just one correct religion.