the hate thread

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cookiecutter said:
I hate that I watched 4 hours of Heavy: The Story of Metal and they didn't even mention death metal once.

right on!

what a waste of time. VH1 acts like Slayer is TEH MOST XTREME BAND EVA!!

what a bunch of useless tools.
Carcassian said:
Last time I checked, vegetable picking, table waiting and shelf stacking aren't terrorist acts...but I daren't say that too loudly in case Tony Bliar hears it and makes them arrestable offences.

I'm talking about illegal immigrants in America
Carcassian said:
Who do you think picks your vegetables, waits your tables, stocks the supermarket shelves and does all the jobs the English are too cool to do?


It's not the English.

What?!?! Id tell you who does that, farmers, students, and working class (chavs and the like). We dont have Walmart in England so no spics are brought in for cheap.

The Terrorist get benefits, does no work.....except making bombs, and wants to kill innocent people. And yes i hate them but its so true, i watch the news and its the same story every night saying what i just said.
Hanger 18 said:
What?!?! Id tell you who does that, farmers, students, and working class (chavs and the like). We dont have Walmart in England so no spics are brought in for cheap.

1) The Terrorist get benefits, 2) does no work.....except making bombs, and wants to kill innocent people. And yes i hate them but its so true,3) i watch the news and its the same story every night saying what i just said.

Maybe where you live. Where I live in the UK, all the shit jobs are done by the Poles, Liths, Lats, Ukrainians and Russians.

1) None of the underground terrorists were on benefits.

2) The underground terrorists were in work. One of them worked in a school. They were all British citizens.

3) You must have different news to me. I don't see that on ITV, BBC or C4. I also don't hear it on radio 4. Perhaps you read The Sun too much ?
Carcassian said:
2) They were all British citizens.

With a name like Abdul al Patel i would not consider them British, i would raise the fact that the Government gives out British passports far too easily.

Carcassian said:
3) You must have different news to me. I don't see that on ITV, BBC or C4. I also don't hear it on radio 4. Perhaps you read The Sun too much ?

News down South is different to up North (the fens sounds Northern) if im wrong im sorry.
Hanger 18 said:
1) With a name like Abdul al Patel i would not consider them British, i would raise the fact that the Government gives out British passports far too easily.

2) News down South is different to up North 3) (the fens sounds Northern) if im wrong im sorry.

1) They were all born in Britain. That makes them British.

2) Yes, local news is different.

3) You don't know where the fens are. I would not consider you British.

The ill informed, reactionary 14 year old rant is so last year mate.
They were born in the UK. That makes them British, irrespective of who their parents were. Being exposed to radical muslem doctrine made them terrorists, not their parents.
Someone with the name mohammed,etc.. should not be able to enter the US or any country. I don't care if it's racist or not.

Most people in the US will never learn how to fly a plane,etc... and we are teaching people from these odd countries all this stuff not evening knowing who they are or why they are here.

I think it's bullshit, and just because they're from iraq or whatever the US welcomes them with opens arms and helps them over their own people.

If someone gets on a plane with a towel people should feel threatened. Regardless guitly or not it's not worth letting them on one because one person is not worth 300 deaths.

Without stereotypes we would all be ten times more fucked.
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