the hate thread

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Krigloch the Furry-ass said:
I hate shaving
I have not being able to grow a decent beard

I hate this combination of things too. Mother nature just plays cruel tricks on guys like us. "Here have some facial hair, oh wait, I mean... TOTALLY USELESS FACIAL HAIR."

I don't care about not being able to grow a moustache, since I don't plan to become a porn star anytime soon. But not being able to grow a beard and still being forced to shave is just annoying. Either give me no facial hair at all so I don't have to bother shaving or give me the abillity to grow a decent beard so I can further develop my serial killer look. The inbetween option is just no good. No good at all.
I fucking hate weak people, who whining and having long depressions instead of trying to do something to make their life better...
DeathsSweetEmbrace said:
I live in Omaha, NE, and as shitty as it is, I would never want to live in a giant metro-wasteland like NYC or LA. I'm too much of a country boy to enjoy huge cities.
Take this into consideration: if you want to go camping outside of L.A. (i.e., sans homeless people), how far must you drive? 2, 3 hours? I only got to drive 30 minutes. And if you don't like camping, you are gay and so un-kvlt.

I wouldn't live anywhere else for the same reason.

I hate this combination of things too. Mother nature just plays cruel tricks on guys like us. "Here have some facial hair, oh wait, I mean... TOTALLY USELESS FACIAL HAIR."

I don't care about not being able to grow a moustache, since I don't plan to become a porn star anytime soon. But not being able to grow a beard and still being forced to shave is just annoying. Either give me no facial hair at all so I don't have to bother shaving or give me the abillity to grow a decent beard so I can further develop my serial killer look. The inbetween option is just no good. No good at all.

If I shave all of my facial hair off, I look retarded. So I just keep the Mexican 'stache and beard.
I'm just glad I can even grow a Mexican 'stache. If I couldn't grow facial hair, I believe I would be a hermit and live in the woods to keep people from seeing the gayness that would be.
DeathsSweetEmbrace said:
I live in Omaha, NE, and as shitty as it is, I would never want to live in a giant metro-wasteland like NYC or LA. I'm too much of a country boy to enjoy huge cities.
Take this into consideration: if you want to go camping outside of L.A. (i.e., sans homeless people), how far must you drive? 2, 3 hours? I only got to drive 30 minutes. And if you don't like camping, you are gay and so un-kvlt.

heh. 30 minutes in any direction in LA won't take you too far. I like camping in Death Valley which is like 6 hours away. The mountains are a few hours away.

yeah, huge cities suck. Try being surrounded by 3 million idiots
you guys don't know the meaning of "being surrounded by idiots" unless you've lived in Youngstown, Ohio.
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