the hate thread

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George Carlin said it best:

"Here's some more people who ought to be decapitated by a rotating helicopter blade: People who pay for inexpensive items with a credit card. Folks, take my word for this. A Snickers bar is not a major purchase. Get some fuckin' cash together. No one should be paying a bank 18% interest on Tic-Tacs. And you're holding up the fuckin' line, too. Some dorky looking prick with a fanny pack waiting to be approved for a bag of cheese doodles. I need this like I need an infected scrotum. Get some fuckin' money. Next guy ahead of me in line who pays for People magazine with a credit card is getting stabbed in the eyes."

Also, "Hollaback Girl" and "My Humps"...Two of the absolute worst songs ever in the history of music. :puke:
I hate that it has been raining for atleast two weeks, and I have to work outside. I have never witnessed rain this long in my life. I like rain but this just gets old. I think coffee has prevented me from getting sick.

I hate the fact that I just caught the last seconds of a shakira video and not the whole thing.
I hate that shania twains kid sucked on those tits. Not many people in this world had that chance.
^:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: out of five
I hate that the best act this year's talent show at my school was a toss up between a band who did Taking Back Sunday :)Puke:) and a band who did Bon Jovi and Greenday
I hate my school
One kid did some acoustic SRV though. Pretty cool
And one kid danced (rather well) to Micheal Jackson
With elementary school kids there.
Most disturbing sight I've ever experienced at my school
VicRattlhd502 said:
Also, "Hollaback Girl" and "My Humps"...Two of the absolute worst songs ever in the history of music. :puke:

Dear god yes. That My Humps song is.... I have no words for it.

My humps, my humps, my humps
My lovely lady lumps

I think this is supposed to be 'sexy'. But all I think of when I hear it is a fat woman with breast cancer. Just vile beyond belief. I can't help but notice that that guy from Black Eyed Peas has been directly involved in two songs that would rank pretty high on the list of biggest musical atrocities of this millennium so far.

I hope he gets hit by a bus of laughing school children.
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