the hate thread

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cookiecutter said:
I hate how people obliviously have little pow-wows in the middle of crowded hallways/stairways where people are trying to walk.

yeah that pisses me off too. especially when you don't see them ahead of time. bastards
cookiecutter said:
I hate how people obliviously have little pow-wows in the middle of crowded hallways/stairways where people are trying to walk. Also I hate when people walk the wrong door way in a hallway.

When I was in High School that's how it was. All of the black kids would stand in a huddle at the top of the stairs so you couldn't get by. I always hated that.
I hate living in Los Angeles. Everything is fucking expensive, you have to drive EVERYWHERE, the air quality is shit. The only things going for LA are the weather (with the exception of summer) and some of the people. Oh, and we get a lot of the tours.
cookiecutter said:
I hate how people obliviously have little pow-wows in the middle of crowded hallways/stairways where people are trying to walk. Also I hate when people walk the wrong door way in a hallway.

I hate that crap too, I just want to knock them down the stairs :heh:
unknown said:
I hate living in Los Angeles. Everything is fucking expensive, you have to drive EVERYWHERE, the air quality is shit. The only things going for LA are the weather (with the exception of summer) and some of the people. Oh, and we get a lot of the tours.

boo fucking hoo!

"I hate L.A. even though it has EVERYTHING!! My life sucks!"

Jesus, I'd love to live in L.A. I've been there a few times too. It's alot better than Indy, bad air or not.
It's okay to visit and whatnot, but after living here for the good majority of my life, it gets a little old.

I will agree with you that it's better than Indianapolis
I live in Omaha, NE, and as shitty as it is, I would never want to live in a giant metro-wasteland like NYC or LA. I'm too much of a country boy to enjoy huge cities.
Take this into consideration: if you want to go camping outside of L.A. (i.e., sans homeless people), how far must you drive? 2, 3 hours? I only got to drive 30 minutes. And if you don't like camping, you are gay and so un-kvlt.
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