the hate thread

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I hate my fucking country and crazy prices on internet here... Its not life, its existing...
Who wants to push the button?...
unknown said:
I hate that one kid in the class who everyday makes an attempt by raising his hand and voicing his opinion/question to show how much smarter he thinks he his from the other students.

ohh yes I hate that. Or when kids think they are smarter than the teacher and "correct" them. "Hey I don't know the answer, the test must be wrong!"
I hate the fact that we had a bomb threat today in the mall where I work and I had to spend all day sitting in close proximity to a pub, but couldn't drink in case we were let back in... only to find that it takes all day, we get back in right in time for close and I could have had some freaking drinks anyway.
I hate when you ask chicks out for a good time and they already have a dude with them and they are about to beat you up :erk:
I hate when girls say "you're the one" for them and all that shite and then you find out they have a boyfriend/husband, and murder is not an option.
I hate good looking ladies who pose with sexy facial expressions that make me think of naughty things, and I am stuck behind a glass screen to suffer. you're fucking sick and i hope you burn in hell for tormenting you devillish cunts!

I hope these cunts get their assholes torn.
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