the hate thread

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DeathsSweetEmbrace said:
Back to the nuke things, here's a list of countries I hate and if I could press the button, I would nuke them:
U.S.A. (but only the coastal areas, leave the Midwest alone!)
South Korea
North Korea

One country I wouldn't nuke: Croatia. They have cute bobcats.

Why would you nuke Brazil?
I hate not being able to fall asleep at night
I hate mainstream rap
I hate alt rock
I hate myself
I hate getting fired unfairly (it's happened two me twice within a year)
I hate rain (it's been raining for a week straight here)
I hate chicks that play games (lots of experiences with them lately)
I denied the Holy Spirit once. He was all "Dude, can you let me in please?" and I said "Dude, do you have any idea what time it is? It's four fucking AM in the morning! Fuck off!"

So, going to Hell. Oh well. Who else is going?

Some people aren't cut out to be saints
And since I was born in original sin
Hedonism has a certain attraction
I think I'll cut the crap, cut out the middle man
And go to hell
I've sold my soul, so when my body goes cold
I'll go straight to hell
Go to hell
Won't you be told?
I've sold my soul
Go straight to hell
Your paradise doesn't sound too fetching
It's not only your souls which must be lost
"Hell is other people"
Yeah, too right, my hell is you
The sins of the flesh sound so appealing
So let me wallow in my guilt
Your hell will be my heaven
So let's turn up the heat, let eternity begin
Let's go to hell
I've sold my soul
So when my body goes cold
I'll go straight to hell
Let's go to hell
Won't you be told?
I've sold my soul
Go straight to hell
Let's burn in the flames, yeah!!!!
Yeah, go to hell
I've sold my soul
So when my body goes cold
I'll go straight to hell
Let's go to hell
Won't you be told?
I've sold my soul
Go straight to hell
The people who invented/helped participate in making the atomic,nuclear bombs must have felt like shit. Were these people off in la la land or something ?

Besides that war should be done in a more traditional manner.
Carcassian said:
Some people aren't cut out to be saints
And since I was born in original sin
Hedonism has a certain attraction
I think I'll cut the crap, cut out the middle man
And go to hell
I've sold my soul, so when my body goes cold
I'll go straight to hell
Go to hell
Won't you be told?
I've sold my soul
Go straight to hell
Your paradise doesn't sound too fetching
It's not only your souls which must be lost
"Hell is other people"
Yeah, too right, my hell is you
The sins of the flesh sound so appealing
So let me wallow in my guilt
Your hell will be my heaven
So let's turn up the heat, let eternity begin
Let's go to hell
I've sold my soul
So when my body goes cold
I'll go straight to hell
Let's go to hell
Won't you be told?
I've sold my soul
Go straight to hell
Let's burn in the flames, yeah!!!!
Yeah, go to hell
I've sold my soul
So when my body goes cold
I'll go straight to hell
Let's go to hell
Won't you be told?
I've sold my soul
Go straight to hell
Bend me shape me misdirect me
It’s all the same to me
Look at all this useless talk
Look at all this useless talk
Look at all this useless talk

You look at me but you don’t see
Understand I’m a sinner
Don’t corner me
Don’t lecture me
Raise your hands you’re a sinner

Is this everything you wanted, find another dream
You never hear a word I say
You never hear a word I say
You never hear a word I say
So pray!

You look at me but you don’t see
Understand I’m a sinner
Don’t corner me
Don’t lecture me
Raise your hands you’re a sinner

I’m a sinner
Look at all these people in front of me
Look at all these people in front of me
Look at all these people in front of me
Look at all these people in front of me,*how!

You look at me but you don’t see
Understand I’m a sinner
Don’t corner me
Don’t lecture me
Raise your hands you’re a sinner
Susperia said:
I hate morons who drink until they get drunk and then get hangovers.


You hate majority of the population over something really stupid. Most people can agree getting drunk is fun and hangovers build tolerance. Time would stand still every morning without hangovers and coffee. When I can't get beer I just double up on the coffee.

If I could not get drunk once,twice a weak I would also not be able to work.
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