the hate thread

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dicks who read their book whilst walking in conjested traffic - fucken wankers
I hate people who read while driving. It was someone reaching for their book that killed one of my co-workers 12 years ago.
sumairetsu said:
I hate people who read while driving. It was someone reaching for their book that killed one of my co-workers 12 years ago.

that sucks man
Teh Grimarse said:
:( :( you took my vintage Grimace post out of your sig :( :(

yeah I did. I wanted to insert that Last FM nonsense thing in there...your vintage quote would've just taken up too much space

glad to see I'm in your sig though :kickass:
I hate individuals that think they're individual. You are like every other individual on earth who thinks they're individual.

I hate for posting two band logos together.

I hate people who write album reviews just to shit on the band.
I hate people who rock up to my lectures late
I hate people who leave my lectures after 10 min (whats that point in coming)
I hate people who leave my lectures with 10 min to go (you might as well stick it out dick)
I hate people who talk to each other during my lectures
I hate people who talk on their phone during lectures
I hate people who act like they know more about the lecture topic than the fucking lecturer does in my lectures
Shiny McShining Rodriguez said:
I hate lecturers who can't use technology and spend the first 20 minutes of EVERY lecture fiddling with their computer and on the phone to the help desk.


or the ones who you cant understand :mad:
oh man morning lectures suck, expecially when the lecturer dude just drones on...damn they suck
I hate that one kid in the class who everyday makes an attempt by raising his hand and voicing his opinion/question to show how much smarter he thinks he his from the other students.
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