the hate thread

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Rent sucks, the lyrics are almost childlike, maybe 2 of the tunes are at all decent, and it's pathetically mid-90s in it's politics.



Blue_Jay said:
I agree. Although I do watch the occasational nascar, enjoy an occasational hockey or volleyball game live at my local arena, I don't really like sports.

I'm not fond of men running around in tights after a ball either.
metal_wrath said:
Yeah I wasn't completely serious but I feel that there is a huge amount of fakeness to that stuff, especially Hollywood crap.

.. so I guess you like shitty B movies on the sc-fi channel with crappy actors/actresses right!!!.
The Greys said:
.. so I guess you like shitty B movies on the sc-fi channel with crappy actors/actresses right!!!.

:lol: They were showing some cheesy dragon movies on sci-fi the other day starring Patrick Swayze and John Rhys-Davies. The CG sucked and the acting was so dry and predictable. I got a good laugh out of it.


But power metal rules. :kickass:
Teh Grimace said:
Rent sucks, the lyrics are almost childlike, maybe 2 of the tunes are at all decent, and it's pathetically mid-90s in it's politics.

My ex made me watch that movie with her. She was a huge theater/drama freak. I hate that movie.
Guthrum said:
My ex made me watch that movie with her. She was a huge theater/drama freak. I hate that movie.

That's the type of girls you make watch Cradle Of Fear.:heh:
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