the hate thread

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Necro Joe said:
Dude from an outside perspective I'm sure you are one of the least normal posters on this forum, simply because your attempts to distance yourself from whatever metal sub-culture you think exists (outside the internet) is so self-conscious as to be slightly pitiful.

Regardless of whether its all just a massive exercise in trolling or not it still comes across as far more weird than the unpretentious attitudes of most here, regardless of how fucked up their collective 'judgement' is (and that's probably mostly because the majority of them are American anyway).

hahaha most people here are not unpretentious at all in fact i'd say most have a huge superiority complex re: non-metal society
I don't see it that way, most just have a 'fuck other music, I like metal' attitude with only three or four people actually thinking metal is superior to other types of music (and that they're superior people for liking it).
Montu Sekhmet said:
That's okay, but don't complain about it if you don't like what's going on. I hate when people do that. Hypocrites.:yuk:
I complain, but I not just to hear my own voice. I want to express my ideas, not criticize the current organization simply to bring it down. If I don't like what's going on in America (which I don't), I can do 2 things: vote, or move the fuck out (which I probably will after I finish my education).
Authentic Metalhead said:
I guess that's what I mean. I stand by what I said.
It makes sense, people use the same tired sense of humor and opinions as everyone around them to be accepted, and anyone who does that deserves to fall off the face of the fucking earth. I hate unoriginal people, people who are so obsessed with how others see them they can't be themselves.
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