the hate thread

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Ex-cally-boo said:
Metalcore is hardly a shit subgenre. You are clearly basing your opinions of it off of the posterboy (I use boy loosely here) bands such as Trivium and As I Lay Dying.

Architects alone proves that metalcore can kick sufficient amounts of ass.

I haven't really like any metalcore, sure some I give off respect, but I still don't like it.
standablaze said:
:headbang: Ok, so not all LoG fans should be invertedly burned on the cross, just most of them because they are mallcore retards. End. Man the :headbang: even looks like LoG's singer:mad:
......What? :err:
Spectacular Views said:
teach me!
I seriously doubt you would handle it. Russian (I speak it as a first language) and ukrainian are danm difficult like hell. So don't even bother.
You seem to speak English quite well, and from my understanding of linguistics, English is one of the most difficult languages to learn; especially for someone like yourself who is used Slavic languages (Russian, Ukrainian) who has learned a Germanic language (English).
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