King Richard
Hello there
Only if you bend over and let them. I'm sure I speak for others when I say, there is nothing remotely good that has ever come out of the metal-core scene. End of discussion.
Ex-cally-boo said:Metalcore is hardly a shit subgenre. You are clearly basing your opinions of it off of the posterboy (I use boy loosely here) bands such as Trivium and As I Lay Dying.
Architects alone proves that metalcore can kick sufficient amounts of ass.
~Neurotica said:Lamb Of God is not fucking metalcore. So shut up all of you (and especially standablaze).
......What?standablaze said:Ok, so not all LoG fans should be invertedly burned on the cross, just most of them because they are mallcore retards. End. Man the
even looks like LoG's singer
I seriously doubt you would handle it. Russian (I speak it as a first language) and ukrainian are danm difficult like hell. So don't even bother.Spectacular Views said:teach me!