the hate thread

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Teh Grimace said:
inspired by el barto.

so this is the place to scream about shit that you hate. get it all out, children. people, places, things, certain bands, uncertain bands, each other (ESPECIALLY each other!), grimace (but don't hate me cause im beautiful), whatever fucking pure bile you can spew, this is the place for it.

alright, bitches, get to hating.


I HATE PRETENDING THAT I DON'T HATE A BAND THAT I REALLY DO HATE JUST BECAUSE A GIRL I'M TALKING TO LIKES THEM, SO I HAVE TO SAY STUFF LIKE "Oh yeah, ummm, they've got good, erm, rhythms and... the singer doesn't suck... yeah..."

Ahhh I never do this infact I usually say they flat out suck especially if they ask me what I like and they try to compare bands. I usually also talk about bands most people have never heard about and then say now there's real metal you fucking poser. Then again I havn't gotten laid in a long ass time.:lol:
Next thing you know, bigdave will start bragging about his 12 inch penis, his ability to run a 3.5 minute mile, how he can bench press 1500 lbs., how he has an income exceeding $250,000/year, and then he'll tell us about the time he had a threesome with Pamela Anderson and Carmen Electra.
DeathsSweetEmbrace said:
Next thing you know, bigdave will start bragging about his 12 inch penis, his ability to run a 3.5 minute mile, how he can bench press 1500 lbs., how he has an income exceeding $250,000/year, and then he'll tell us about the time he had a threesome with Pamela Anderson and Carmen Electra.

damn how did you know ??

are you psychic?? don't lie damn it
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