the hate thread

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unknown said:
I hate zealous vegetarians. if you're vegetarian or whatever, cool...don't yell at me for eating a six pound steak infront of you though

*looking at Susperia*

Wtf. I haven't said anything about anyone who eats meat here. In fact, I kept my vegetarianism a secret until I had to tell in order to explain something someone asked of me. And then I even said I dont' fucking care if anyone eats meat. And then you guys proceeded to mock me and make corny jokes regardless. Christ, I can't fucking win here.

I never push my vegetarianism on people, I don't tell anyone I'm vegan unless they inquire. I'm not a fucking zealot when it comes to that.

edit: I've been a vegan for 7 years. I'm happy with myself, and I don't expect everyone else to be vegan as well. Though I do expect to be treated with the respect I treat meat-eaters with.
Teh Grimarse said:
I HATE PRETENDING THAT I DON'T HATE A BAND THAT I REALLY DO HATE JUST BECAUSE A GIRL I'M TALKING TO LIKES THEM, SO I HAVE TO SAY STUFF LIKE "Oh yeah, ummm, they've got good, erm, rhythms and... the singer doesn't suck... yeah..."

Holy shit, tell me about it. </late as hell>
Susperia said:
Wtf. I haven't said anything about anyone who eats meat here. In fact, I kept my vegetarianism a secret until I had to tell in order to explain something someone asked of me. And then I even said I dont' fucking care if anyone eats meat. And then you guys proceeded to mock me and make corny jokes regardless. Christ, I can't fucking win here.

I never push my vegetarianism on people, I don't tell anyone I'm vegan unless they inquire. I'm not a fucking zealot when it comes to that.

edit: I've been a vegan for 7 years. I'm happy with myself, and I don't expect everyone else to be vegan as well. Though I do expect to be treated with the respect I treat meat-eaters with.

You yell at me all the time.
I hate you, I hate me
I hate priests, I hate nuns
I hate my enemies, I hate my friends
I hate religion, I Hate gods

I hate, hate, hate, hate
I hate children, I hate women
I hate men, I Hate dogs
I hate the past
I hate the present
I Hate the future
I hate cars

I hate money, I hate lust
I hate drinks, I hate drugs
I Hate addicteds, I hate lesbians
I hate gays
I hate to hate
"I hate everyone equally
You can't tear that out of me
No segregation -separation
Just me in my world of enemies"

- Slayer, Disciple

- patriotists, neo-nazis
- feminists
- people who say that Children Of bodom is melodic black
- nerds, who wear metal t-shirts
- people who wear t-shirts of mainstream bands
- people who make non-mainstream bands mainstream by wearing t-shirts of them and thinking how they're original
- people who think that corpsepaint is "in" or "scary" or "tr00"
- ugly girls who think they're nice
- people that think they are something or make themself too important
- people that smoke just to be kewl
- people who wear clothes only from quiksilver
- people who make ugly noises when eating
- nerds trying to be cool by going everywhere with you, because you are
- people who have stupid headphones in bus and make all other people hear their music. Mostly hip-hop.
- people who have bad headphones overall
- most sports
- people that do sports as their main life fill
- when my pen or pencil falls on ground
- when people talk about sex on frequented places

and... I LIKE

- people that just don't give a fuck too much
- musicians overall, mainly if they don't give a fucking fuck
- nerds - except those mentioned in previous list - who care too much / or don't give a fuck
- girls from village that give a fuck
- beer
- weed
- night
- small communities where everyone knows everyone well and they all don't give a fuck too much
- nihilists
I hate when people think that Nazism and National Socialism are one and the same.

I hate that I'm shy.

I hate that I can't gain even five fucking pounds.

I hate my wide hips that make it incredibly uncomfortable to wear pants above them.

I hate the fact that I sound like a teenage girl just about now.
I hate babies and ugly females pushing kids around in the way of the masses. I hate people who fuck that don't have jobs and then babies are all over the place wishing they were dead with shit in their diapers.


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