the hate thread

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I hate stupid people with stupid tastes in music and stupid opinions about the world
I hate incorrect grammar like "I seen this yesterday"
I hate Texas accents. I hate shock rock. I hate idiotic ideas about the way things should be or how certain people have certain rights.
I hate that Iran is allowed to build nuclear weapons.
Yeah, that pretty much covers it.
I hate the whole institution of high school. Make them wear uniforms and give them a daily beating, I say. It builds character.

I hate getting dressed.

I hate women who are easily offended and then say they value honesty from a man. You liar! What you really want is man who will lie to you and tell you the things you really want to hear. If a man was really honest he wouldn't get past the introduction as he'd just sit there and talk about how bad he wants to bang you.

I hate the earth. Life-giver, my ass! It's been killing millions since its inception. Today, I'm going in the middle of the woods and burying a styrofoam cup. It's my little 'fuck you!' to the earth.

I hate the sun. I hate the fact that the daytime is somehow supposed to be 'normal hours'.

I hate people who bitch about NASA. There are planets to pillage and plunder and they're perfectly willing to rot on one planet. You're short-sighted and you sicken me.

I hate people who 'Rock the Vote!' If you don't know who you're voting for, don't vote. If you vote for someone based solely on character then you have just fallen for the most expensive commercial ever. Congratulations nitwit, you've just bought a lemon. Kudos to Paris for participating in Puffys 'Vote or Die!' campaign and then not voting. Paris, you rule!

I hate celebrities and their fucking causes and the masses of morons who listen to them. If you learned everything you know about McCarthy from George Clooneys 'Good Night...and Good Luck,' you should be executed.

I hate anyone who thinks MTV is anything but an anthropological channel.
^^ You are such a fucking moron I don't even know what to say other than that, though I do agree with Rock the Vote and MTV

You're still an arrogant comie puke.
I don't hate anything.... well except for whatever this is

Susperia said:
You're still an arrogant comie puke.

Pure genious.
and please....give Iran come credit....Nukes = awesome.

and you know what i hate....People who whine and piss about other countries trying to improve themselves with out America helping or completely democrati-sizing them :D
(yea...i can't spell, shoot me:zombie: )
^^ You are such a fucking moron I don't even know what to say other than that, though I do agree with Rock the Vote and MTV

You're still an arrogant comie puke.
Oh god! Don't tell me you're one of those people who needs a reassuring smiley everytime someone's joking. You understand satire, correct? Do you honestly believe I think high school students should be beaten on principle? Or that I actually hate the earth? I mean c'mon! Who really hates the earth? Or the sun?

I believe that satirical rants are best used in conjecture with serious rants. It's a twisted version of satire. One in which you're unsure of its seriousness. I didn't think I'd have to explain that here though. I figured there were enough clowns around here and that everyone had a good sense of humor.

And I was gonna go on a whole 'killing the elderly/handicapped schtick' but now it's ruined.
DemonHelm said:
I liked the styrofoam cup bit.
For my 'killing the elderly/handicapped bit', I was going to propose dropping them in the middle of the Yukon to the soundtrack of Elton Johns 'Circle of Life'.

Edit - Now that's comedy gold right there. The mental picture's got me giggling.
Base Delta Zero said:
Oh god! Don't tell me you're one of those people who needs a reassuring smiley everytime someone's joking. You understand satire, correct? Do you honestly believe I think high school students should be beaten on principle? Or that I actually hate the earth? I mean c'mon! Who really hates the earth? Or the sun?

I believe that satirical rants are best used in conjecture with serious rants. It's a twisted version of satire. One in which you're unsure of its seriousness. I didn't think I'd have to explain that here though. I figured there were enough clowns around here and that everyone had a good sense of humor.

And I was gonna go on a whole 'killing the elderly/handicapped schtick' but now it's ruined.

Shit you were joking? Seriously, I know people who dont' give a shit about the earth. It is true. It's fucking stupid, but true. And the woman thing I've heard many times before =\ i h8 j00
suns_recline said:

maybe if you lowered your standards and put out once in awhile shit like this wouldn't happen.

sorry, I'm in a real pissy misogynistic mood today.
No_face said:
Pure genious.
and please....give Iran come credit....Nukes = awesome.

and you know what i hate....People who whine and piss about other countries trying to improve themselves with out America helping or completely democrati-sizing them :D
(yea...i can't spell, shoot me:zombie: )
They are not trying to "improve" themselves. They are trying to attack Isreal and America, and while I don't understand why we defend Isreal so, they're still our ally and we need to defend them. They are trying to start a war, and we need to stop them. Now, if they were truly trying to improve themselves, nuclear weapons would not get anything done. Look at all of the sanctions and shit the UN has put on them
Nuclear weapons are what will destroy this world, and unless ALL of them are destroyed, we will end up killing ourselves.
Sorry for being such an asshole liberal, but he is a shortsighted dumbass.
Is that ALL nuclear weapons except for yours?

You don't see a slight problem with only a select amount of countries (including Pakistan, India, North Korea) being allowed Nukes? (Presumably because they're too difficult to invade?)

The sniff of hypocricy, anyone?
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