the hate thread

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subway is a bunch of crap

their food has almost the exact same amount of calories as mcdonalds or burger king (albeit it's great tasting and alot healthier but still)

oh yea southpark Pwnes

Got a source for that info?

In any case, you are looking at a big difference in empty calories. I would have thought someone who trains with weights would have known the difference.
no I know that (read the part where I said it's alot healthier)

but subway makes it sound like if you just switch from mcdonalds to subway- you're gonna lose pounds and pounds of fat which is ridiculous

you're gonna look the exact same unless you become much more active (Regardless subway is one of my fave places to visit on cheat days)
no I know that (read the part where I said it's alot healthier)

but subway makes it sound like if you just switch from mcdonalds to subway- you're gonna lose pounds and pounds of fat which is ridiculous

you're gonna look the exact same unless you become much more active (Regardless subway is one of my fave places to visit on cheat days)

No. Check the calories from fat in a McDonalds burger, and then from a Subway sandwich. They are the empty calories. Here's a little lesson for you:

Fat - 9 calories per gram; very slow to metabolise.
Carbohydrate - 4 calories per gram; depending on saccharides, can metabolise slower or quicker.
Protein - 4 calories per gram; can once again metabolise quicker or slower.

When you are looking at a quarter pounder, which here in Australia contains close to 60g of fat, you are looking at 540 calories FROM FAT alone. Some Subway sandwiches would struggle to contain that many calories overall.

Calories in > calories out = weight gain.
Calories in < calories out = weight loss.

Simple concept - you switch from McDonalds to Subway, you will lose weight unless you increase your total food intake markedly.
No. Check the calories from fat in a McDonalds burger, and then from a Subway sandwich. They are the empty calories. Here's a little lesson for you:

Fat - 9 calories per gram; very slow to metabolise.
Carbohydrate - 4 calories per gram; depending on saccharides, can metabolise slower or quicker.
Protein - 4 calories per gram; can once again metabolise quicker or slower.

When you are looking at a quarter pounder, which here in Australia contains close to 60g of fat, you are looking at 540 calories FROM FAT alone. Some Subway sandwiches would struggle to contain that many calories overall.

Calories in > calories out = weight gain.
Calories in < calories out = weight loss.

Simple concept - you switch from McDonalds to Subway, you will lose weight unless you increase your total food intake markedly.

I remember visiting mcdonalds/burger king websites and seeing almost the same amount of calories as the subway sandwiches

meh, whatever, I don't feel like getting into this
Yeah I know what you mean, i do what i am told to do i know things have to get done, i don't talk back to my bosses or stupid shit like that. And i guess i am glad that we don't have "workplace bullshit" going on there, since everyone is a serious ass (cept one dirty old man, he owns :headbang: )

But still it is boring as fuck, and i can't see how you could feel superior when your in your mid 30's working in a shitty store, at least have some fun while getting your job done like the dirty old man i mentioned, he even says "i do this job because it doesn't take any brainpower, i'm the bottom of the food chain" :lol:
The job is not near as bad as I heard from my friend's mom. I just got back... noone is as strict or stupid as she made it sound.
I remember visiting mcdonalds/burger king websites and seeing almost the same amount of calories as the subway sandwiches

meh, whatever, I don't feel like getting into this

:rolleyes: Did you read the bit about saturated fats, and the metabolism rates of the different macronutrients, or are you gonna finally admit you talk a lot of shit?
I don't gain weight when I eat fast food because I excercise routinely.

my metabolism sucks monkey balls

you don't want to know how clean I have to eat to lose weight

I am as disadvantaged by nature as one could possible be when it comes to bodybuilding (if you consider only healthy physically normal men)

everything from gyno (which I will remove once I find a stable job) to naturally small calves and forearms to terrible vascularity to terribly slow metabolism etc... etc... etc...
I am an athiest, because i've got this belief about how nobody can prove that there is god. That's just an opinion though.

However, i'm not some idiot who goes around saying dumb shit like "yeah, man, i'm a fucking headbanging athiest. FUCK God."

Those ones are the one's you've gotta watch out for.
I'm in the same boat as you (Hooker Joe) Saying "Fuck God" is a contradiction to atheism anyway.

As for christmas music :mad:
Bullshit work, they also play instrumentals of the christmas songs... i mean wtf
Then theres the stupid rnb artists that do a "new spin" on them, and make it ten times fucking worse ahhhhhhhhhhhh.

Krig you should go on the biggest loser and just use references to metal when your shown on cam "I can't do another sit up, seriously my balls and ass cant take it, this work out is some flo mounier shit, seriously my ass will blow you away like SunO))) if you don't back the fuck off, ...HAIL SATAN"

And wear armour during the challenges, and slash the guts of your oponents and run up some steep mountain that has nothing to do with your challange and hold there severed head up to the sun and make them swear an oath to let you win YESSSSSSSSSSSSS:heh:

Edit: Ender Rises* maybe they are just assholes to your friends mum since shes the boss haha.
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